[h1]Global Rebalance[/h1] [img]https://sun9-33.userapi.com/impg/5Qq1Ybit8RkKFLflKXuHfNLJNiZ-X47RGCVbLQ/LKpV61XOYR4.jpg?size=2560x1440&quality=96&sign=ba5ba70462bad6ca0bcee47ce962dcd0&type=album[/img] A global rebalance has been made! The characteristics of [b]almost all equipment[/b] have been affected, from weapons/armor to upgrading and artifact builds. When you first enter the game it is [b]strongly recommended to remove the containers with artifacts[/b]! Because of the changed characteristics there is a possibility of taking damage from the accumulation of infections. [table] [tr] [th]For convenience, we put the information about rebalance in a separate article, including artifact compensation until June 17: [url=https://support.exbo.net/help-center/articles/16/2/326/]Learn more about rebalance[/url].[/th] [/tr] [/table] [hr][/hr] [h1]Dead Time[/h1] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/388ddc3e888245bc8870d725baa513ec0b2b84a0.jpg[/img] Before the whole catastrophe story, there was a scientific laboratory under the authority of the Soviet military located under the ground on the territory of the present-day Exclusion Zone, where new weapons were being developed based on the research of quantum states of matter. Experiments were conducted with particle gas pedals, plasma stabilization, and other interesting things that were in the frontier zone of human knowledge. After the explosion at the 4th power plant, communication with this laboratory was lost, all existing entrances to the area disappeared, and no one ever saw the people who worked there again. However, after the usual emission, PDA's of the inhabitants of the Zone began to periodically pick up some uncharacteristic interference and strange signals… [h2]Operation "Dead Time"[/h2] [table] [tr] [th]Briefly: Dead Time - PvPvE 5x5 dungeon. [/th] [/tr] [/table] Under the guidance of a scientific team, [b]players in a research team of five[/b] must infiltrate the Laboratory and activate special [b]energy cells[/b]. The situation is complicated by the presence of enemy mercenaries and the security systems of the Lab itself. [b]Access to the location is available every day[/b] from 9:00 to 11:00, from 13:00 to 15:00, 18:00 to 20:00 (CET). [h2]Energy Cells[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/506d429cf724ef8f112d8fe85f924ce8635df069.png[/img] Special devices that were developed by the staff of the scientific complex. They maintain the stability of the temporal field, which allows the Laboratory to exist in our time. At a sufficiently close distance, the players' PDAs interact with the energy cell and start its recalibration. Explorers must wait for the cycle to end and connect the energy cell to the general network using the console. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/d0cf4ae7ab15a283940c89854438bc43cf838cde.png[/img] Numerous mutants that are attracted to the cell recalibration process are a serious problem. Be careful! The faster the cell is charged, the more aggressive these critters become! Sometimes it's worth sacrificing speed to save your own life. [h2]Temporal field[/h2] [img]https://sun9-70.userapi.com/impg/VNoS_iQhFMRNAcAhmrwtMP6hreu85fjjEblSYA/DLuoyH7OKQs.jpg?size=807x454&quality=96&sign=26576b8f5b453fd981b78d87695c4851&type=album[/img] [img]https://sun9-35.userapi.com/impg/SZ51XQpLmhwlJvGpHFXx08EMzy1Wm3VooR4jNA/sesGOjLEnDY.jpg?size=807x454&quality=96&sign=46e0de8c869071e340a442164e39e41d&type=album[/img] The entire complex is divided into two parts: the perimeter of the laboratory and the central part. The perimeter is a bunch of old abandoned rooms, which were not spared by time and looters. The central part is a laboratory, sheltered by a temporal field. Different times. There was no Chernobyl explosion yet. Scientists there are still inventing the wonders of science and technology. Neither the scientists nor the Soviet soldiers guarding them will be happy to see men with guns come out of nowhere. Be careful. Access to the central part is possible only through the outline of the temporal field in several parts of the map. [h2]Outpost[/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/7746f078a0bd25afd9e5895bf9a3bd5b4add81e9.png[/img] The former guard room, hastily converted to an outpost near the first open temporal field. Players can seize control and gain an additional revival point on their path to explore the lab. Be warned: enemy mercenaries may interfere with you, thereby depriving you of a strategic advantage! Capturing an outpost by any team is one-time and permanent. Re-capture is impossible. The number of revivals, as well as the capture rate, depends on the number of activated energy cells per team. [h2]Score and Summary[/h2] [img]https://sun9-13.userapi.com/impg/p1i-bX5VACjyc1RZXXQUZzdN764Y9Cay7B44Yw/calSN6x83KQ.jpg?size=257x124&quality=96&sign=00c739de3d2f7bff0923f4b14e69e99c&type=album[/img] All actions of the players on the map are awarded with the points, which go into the overall team score. [h3]"+" points to the team for:[/h3] [list] [*] killing mutants [*] killing players of the enemy team [*] activating energy cells [/list] [b]The team with the most points at the end of the operation wins.[/b] [hr][/hr] [h1]Sounds[/h1] [img]https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steamcommunity/public/images/clans//41581512/64354e1da73ac08555082179220ff1d0dbb77d10.png[/img] The mechanism of processing gunshot sounds has been fixed. [table] [tr] [td][i]The sound of the weapons has become more "weighty".[/i][/td] [/tr] [/table] [hr][/hr] [h1]Locations[/h1] [img]https://sun9-3.userapi.com/impg/By-WMUKk6On-eMwrWjTsrDG4jTS_oY4Isp74Fg/u2pGYVigRFI.jpg?size=807x424&quality=96&sign=303ee0a1d9b769e69eb469c79379934b&type=album[/img] [img]https://sun9-80.userapi.com/impg/9SNG70PFzQ6dLXA18DnoqWjJJnFJfdlh3FNQxw/fDfQZBitTns.jpg?size=807x424&quality=96&sign=720063c34c22f38d13cb557fceb2c9de&type=album[/img] [img]https://sun9-32.userapi.com/impg/DuqoKaCn7cDrx09rFgl913BLJay6n9Uc0dUWqA/1FxUJ8Iybu8.jpg?size=807x384&quality=96&sign=c10372c129344a43f566d8b8c7900ca3&type=album[/img] [list] [*] Slightly expanded the passage between "Cordon" and "Junkyard". [*] Added the ability to sit on most of the objects designed for this purpose in all of the safe-zones. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2]Compensations[/h2] We noticed that the barter had incorrect prices for MISs (all) and for M40s (only bandits), so we issued compensation for the difference in resources. [h2]MIS line[/h2] [img]https://sun9-58.userapi.com/impg/42ZKtodRZqmzhHu-0Tu717UW5Wp8rhKWICOOLg/jyJIQ54xROA.jpg?size=807x454&quality=96&sign=f9d0c1702c6a7f403c5a868b18540f4a&type=album[/img] Players who obtained MIS-113 "Iolite", MIS-116 "Emerald", MIS-105 "Topaz" through barter before May 17 will receive compensation in the form of barter resources, depending on the barter offer: [h3]Bartered ONLY for resources[/h3] [list] [*] Remains of scientific equipment: 320 units [*] Zonshroom: 330 units [*] Beta Data Fragment: 118 units [*] Chlorinex: 370 units [/list] [h3]Bartered with Malachit MIS-99M[/h3] [list] [*] Remains of scientific equipment: 327 units [*] Zonshroom: 331 units [*] Data fragment "Beta" - 120 units [*] Chlorinex- 378 units [/list] [h2]M40A5[/h2] [img]https://sun9-58.userapi.com/impg/azFKw-veH58wdNy6s4FAsZC1ggrgFiiBDzE_2g/rE3oFnewy-A.jpg?size=807x354&quality=96&sign=cb43f3112208e2bde3e8e36d4eca9a70&type=album[/img] All bandits who received an M40A5 through barter before May 17 will be compensated with in-game currency of 79,850₽. [hr][/hr] [h2]Quests[/h2] The achievement [b]"Treasure Seeker"[/b] for finding three caches on the Orderlies' base was granted. Previously, due to an error, not everyone could get it. Achievement will appear upon revival at the base. Bandits are now given [b]the Oracle's "Worm"[/b] in the storyline quests. Those who previously received [b]the Oracle's "Beryl"[/b] can exchange it for the bandit version in the barter, on the first level of the Photon base. Changed the reward for the [b]"Ghost"[/b] quest from the Limansk storyline. The player now receives [b]special components[/b] to raise the equipment level to +9, previously to +5. Players who have already completed the quest will receive [b]new special components[/b] to their personal storage. [hr][/hr] [h1]Gear upgrade[/h1] The maximum level of gear upgrade has been increased from level 5 to level 10. [hr][/hr] [h2]Other[/h2] [img]https://sun9-77.userapi.com/impg/QiNIxGm0RFwHstU3ttRXEbQi3i-L9UXrJaROOw/7rb6OOnsdRc.jpg?size=807x454&quality=96&sign=2befd3a00387425a456d0b30841fc24d&type=album[/img] The thematic merchant has left all the safe zones. [hr][/hr] Thank you for your attention, And good hunting in the Zone!