[h2]"Anomalous Blizzard"[/h2] [h3]Storyline[/h3] [img]https://sun9-8.userapi.com/impg/GLDYKjFrooDzv5g7Xbdr6MRX3FvowCnTZ0cKXw/riuAxdiM_Mk.jpg?size=807x454&quality=96&sign=13498aaefeef83a69c313ef6d816a8e8&type=album[/img] [b]The fight against the "Anomalous Blizzard" creatures continues[/b] – the second part of the Blizzard storyline is available now. [h3]Other changes[/h3] [list] [*] Reduced the required number of players to start a Blizzard session: 20 → 10. [b](Only SEA-region)[/b] [*] [b]Significantly increased[/b] the average amount of [b]Battle Pass points[/b] gained in a single Blizzard session. [*] [b]Doubled[/b] the number of [b]participation points[/b] you get when playing as an Adept. [/list] [hr][/hr] [h2]Weekly quests[/h2] [img]https://sun9-70.userapi.com/impg/sboxVlMOdFrzdgGhGLPXhPTGk1BVWGeWo-tsHg/pJcYoYORha0.jpg?size=807x427&quality=96&sign=1e52a744dff0d8bf645057d47ae35f3b&type=album[/img] [img]https://sun9-33.userapi.com/impg/LxCSv2oFCjwfQ6DeG8bTOQW9eSDIxfkkEkO_aA/FVGIxIctZVE.jpg?size=807x427&quality=96&sign=dc713d85f0b0615ff8b8aeb572bf4f14&type=album[/img] [b]The final step[/b] with measurements in the [b]weekly premium quest[/b] has been simplified. The measurement points are now shown immediately, without having to search for them. The points are named Alpha, Beta and Omega to distinguish them in the PDA. [img]https://sun9-29.userapi.com/impg/TIW__pwTHebzcR0GFiLABtw2s25fw8myDMb4Pg/nDQL69xU8Hg.jpg?size=297x466&quality=96&sign=dad88b856e219f6c87d8c015ea1586cb&type=album[/img] Daily premium contracts on scanner installation have been added to the board. [hr][/hr] [h2]Other fixes[/h2] [list] [*] Ice no longer spawns in the "Dead City" after the completion of the quest line. [*] Fixed an error leading to endless dialogue with Khryapin when handing over a delivery. [/list] [hr][/hr] Thank you for tuning in, and best of luck on your hunts in the Zone!