Monthly cheaters ban lists [19.09.2024]
Author: Gorodskovich,
published 3 months ago,
[h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3]
We continue to publish the list of banned players for August 2024 (01.08.2024 – 31.08.2024). You can find it below:
[b]• EU-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] SnusDunge
[*] Lopec
[*] SainDavil
[*] Marty_Novak
[*] Slidex
[*] WeazyXD
[*] DjekFFFFFF
[*] Vorozan
[*] Sestra_ne_Matb
[*] Exectly
[*] Segun
[*] Hayashiet
[*] Georgiy_Lubovnik
[*] Artemoshew
[*] SaggingDeadBody
[*] Mashina_perdeja
[*] Prostokvaska
[*] Xaxahok
[*] Pich
[*] Bendover_
[*] HorsepowerZero
[*] Statesman
[*] IamRussian
[*] Emelyan__
[*] DjekRTF
[*] Rockstar_Popstar
[*] Zassanec
[*] EternityFlame
[*] Sawdypio
[*] Tomacro
[*] John_Stick
[*] HiddenInTheDark
[*] Benzinac
[*] Gurbanow
[*] Matvei_Kolosyan
[*] ForceOfGravity
[*] Murrafa
[*] Batdito
[*] Groody
[*] PewPewDoktor
[*] Mozzx
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] Akhanatie
[*] FishySpiky
[*] BubbleBeam
[*] El_Rey
[*] ProLotuss
[*] PauloBriffCado
[*] RaidFromMax
[b]• SEA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] YukiKUNG
On guard of your safety,