Monthly cheaters ban lists [09.07.24]
Author: Gorodskovich,
published 5 months ago,
[h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3]
After a week's delay, we're continue to publish the list of banned players for [i]June 2024 (01.06.24 –30.06.24)[/i]. You can find it somewhere below:
[b]• EU-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] Brodyaga
[*] Simon_rieli
[*] ARA_RuBy
[*] TopKoteika
[*] Cloudyyyy
[*] MonkeyFlip_Blake
[*] Maxsimka_na
[*] Bombasov
[*] Tolik_X
[*] StalkerEZ
[*] Sir_Balinoff
[*] Sapfuuud
[*] Seriyfantomas
[*] Toothless_
[*] Sber
[*] Yuzora
[*] Kurwakarpatna
[*] Cyber_Vendetta
[*] SakuraX
[*] Zuzzia
[*] Legitxcombat
[*] Dendogramm
[*] KToToHeToT
[*] Anthony_Dingle
[*] Sveta_Shumovaya
[*] MalenkiyBabidjon
[*] Anof_hui
[*] Vadik_Baryga
[*] OlegOsasanDrWeb
[*] SoarinSparkle
[*] Etuq
[*] PashaRaspizdyai
[*] SInAboba
[*] PikaTochonaya
[*] SkyMassacre
[*] Sinergetik
[*] So_Sad
[*] Stalcube
[*] ZXCuhmar
[*] NakyriKota
[*] Abobafisrt
[*] Vawerde
[*] K_I_L_L_U_A
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] ZFear
[*] Belirafon_Bro
[*] Inoutside
[*] Oij
[b]• SEA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] BoJo
[*] Gaozhan
[*] AING
[*] PureBliss
[*] Fukcmesideways
On guard of your safety,
EXBO team.