Monthly cheaters ban lists [07.08.24]
Author: Gorodskovich,
published 4 months ago,
[h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3]
We're continue to publish the list of banned players for [i]July 2024 (01.07.24 –31.07.24)[/i]. You can find it somewhere below:
[b]• EU-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] Leshiy_Strelok
[*] Timkaka
[*] Lordenko
[*] Maks_Godlike
[*] FrewpRx
[*] DespairForEver
[*] Fessruss
[*] Humane_
[*] Melish
[*] Fibel_tds
[*] Gezover
[*] Yanastya
[*] EatUranus
[*] Lepet_
[*] Idk_Who_I
[*] Snowll
[*] Vasia_Plushkin
[*] Draven
[*] MelDory
[*] Vash_Batya
[*] Danielski
[*] Slipknot
[*] ShaxterDNR
[*] Vezzub
[*] DeSint
[*] AroundTheWorld
[*] Butch_Hussey
[*] LonelyFoxy
[*] EgresS
[*] Lebak
[*] Csdfggas
[*] Ludak_
[*] LoneFoxy
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] NQ_
[*] Ovat
[*] MiamiS_
[*] Esmurloc
[*] Lence
[*] Pkaher
[*] Alissa_FemBoySex
[*] Huhuone
[*] Daddyyankeepumya
[*] MomoNancy
[*] Anarchy_X
[*] Lutorez
[b]• SEA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] Kirito_beater
[*] NZXT
[*] Stllk
On guard of your safety,
EXBO team.