[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41581512/9f1d0187c9b526254b4e5922eb798f03877ec42b.jpg[/img] [h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3] We continue to publish the list of banned players for [i]June (01.06-30.06)[/i]. You can find it somewhere below: [b]• EU-server:[/b] [expand type=details] [olist] [*] The_Rake [*] GenaCidearmyan [*] Keyborg [*] Adzumambito [*] Astolpho [*] RezshChuRock [*] ZZZeleskiy [*] Dyder [*] LiderIGIL [*] Puly_Ot_Dedyli [*] GenaCidearmyanov [*] MonkeyFlip [*] YouCantHide [*] DragonSpacae [*] Elfa [*] Mey_Dey [*] Nano [*] The_Doc [*] LowSkill [*] Steeeler [*] JJRoGel [*] Lakas [*] Dawdaweaf [*] Keone [*] AWDADedaw [/olist] [/expand] [b]• NA-server:[/b] [expand type=details] [olist] [*] DragonSpace [*] Mr_Monario [*] Perkoset [/olist] [/expand] [hr][/hr] On guard of your safety, EXBO team.