Monthly cheaters ban lists [03.06.23]
Author: Gorodskovich,
published 1 year ago,
[h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3]
We continue to publish the list of banned players for [i]May (01.05-31.05)[/i]. You can find it somewhere below:
[b]• EU-server:[/b]
[expand type=details]
[*] Mudriy_Ez
[*] Marotti
[*] Sasalka
[*] Dada_Netnet
[*] Jesse_Butler
[*] SDE
[*] SkunkRoaster_
[*] BoeJiden
[*] ChewsdayInnit
[*] EzSeable
[*] Eidalon
[*] CumDrainer
[*] JDUW
[*] CrownedC
[*] CrownedCn
[*] Darteran
[*] GachiMychenick
[*] TremendaTulaBro
[*] Parguela
[*] NeroSpilbergHell
[*] MetalLover
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details]
[*] Nahida
[*] Kshaden
[*] NotShaden
[*] NutMeat
[*] Step__Bro
[*] Xleb
[*] Baget
[*] AAAl
[*] Anrey__Fatil_o
[*] MirDaDaSf
[*] MysticMarauder
[*] PhantomWrath
[*] SosiskaKiller
[*] HiPeeess
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details]
[*] Slavix
[*] Death_Knight
[*] Yeto
[*] Cookies
[*] QSDA
[*] Phy
[*] Phyajesf
[*] Phyj
[*] Phyh
On guard of your safety,
EXBO team.