Monthly cheaters ban lists [01.03.24]
Author: Gorodskovich,
published 9 months ago,
[h3]Hello all the inhabitants of the Zone![/h3]
We continue to publish the list of banned players for [i]February 2024 (01.02.24 –29.02.24)[/i]. You can find it somewhere below:
[b]• EU-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] NamelessKingXd
[*] NovichkoviyChel
[*] Holorez
[*] AlekkDatt
[*] SameThug
[*] St_Asgard
[*] HollowPurple
[*] UA_Malina_UA
[*] DontLetMeDie
[*] Thetoend
[*] Googl_Moogl
[*] Quiizzzmeow
[*] CJluGa
[*] PK_Farmer
[*] Nezukoo
[*] BannedForNothing
[*] TotalFreak
[*] Draupnir
[*] MrYamamoto
[*] LlSTER_
[*] Nezukooo
[b]• NA-server:[/b]
[expand type=details][olist]
[*] FalkinQ
On guard of your safety,
EXBO team.