You May Be Ready For Mother's Day. Are You Ready For Dance Like a Chicken Day?
published 6 months ago,
There are already less than two weeks left until [url=]Dance Like a Chicken Day[/url] on May 14th! Have you ordered your giant foam chicken feet? Have you fashioned wee cardboard beaks for the children? Did you make enough egg nog-pistachio jello for all the revelers?
Doing these holidays right can take a lot of thought and preparation. So we ask you... [b]what better way to celebrate Dance Like a Chicken Day than playing [url=]Squirmish: The Videogame of Brawling Beasties[/url], which is being (early) released on Dance Like a Chicken Day (May 14th)? [/b]
OK, you [b]COULD[/b] dance like a chicken. Yes, that would be [i]one way[/i] to celebrate Dance Like a Chicken Day... [i]the same old way everyone does it.[/i] [b]The "normals."[/b]
But why exert yourself physically and expose yourself to almost-certain public ridicule? You can capture the hilarious spirit and groovy satisfaction of [i]letting your egg-bone shake[/i] virtually in your own home while hardly even moving!
Based on the critically-acclaimed card-game of the same name (only replacing the words "Card Game" with the word "Videogame") [url=]Squirmish: The Videogame of Brawling Beasties[/url] is a ridiculous card-battling game for single player or PVP. Coming to Steam in early release on Dance Like a Chicken Day.
[url=]Squirmish: The Videogame of Brawling Beasties[/url] is free-range, cage-free and pasture-raised.