Hey Everyone! One more patch for launch day! We'll of course continue to keep an eye out for bug reports, please continue to share in the [url=https://steamcommunity.com/app/2389570/discussions//]Steam Discussion Forums[/url] or in the [url=https://discord.com/invite/PFyrg2G4Vp]Black Eyed Priest Discord Server.[/url] [hr][/hr] [u][i][h2]Patch Notes[/h2][/i][/u] [h3]General Bug Fixes:[/h3] [list] [*] Fixed issue where Sniper Ammo UI would sometimes incorrectly display all ammo as loaded. [*] Fixed issue where players could soft-lock themselves in some levels by killing an NPC at the same moment another NPC was escaped [*] Fixed issue where checkpoints would not always properly reset. [*] Fixed an issue where the FPS cap did not work. ever. It works now. [/list] [h3]Minor Changes:[/h3] [list] [*] Decreased intensity of bullet drop in Case 17 (The Bridge) [/list] - Henry and Jordan