[h1]Welcome to SMITE 2's 24/7 Closed Alpha 1[/h1] It has been a wild ride so far! It feels like yesterday that we officially announced SMITE 2 at Worlds, and so much has happened. Alpha Weekends, Flash Tests, and more fun than we could have ever imagined. So today, we would like to officially welcome you all to SMITE 2's launch into 24/7 with Closed Alpha 1! [h1]Community Feedback Action Items[/h1] This is a list of the specific features, fixes, and changes implemented in this update as a direct result of community feedback during the Alpha Weekends. Each of the things listed here is expanded upon in more detail further into the official [url=https://www.smite2.com/news/closed-alpha-1-update-notes/]Update Notes: Here![/url] [i][b]To all players who participated and left your feedback: Thank You![/b][/i] [h2]Illustrated "Card Art" Returns![/h2] We are bringing back Card Art for the Gods in SMITE 2, enhanced with touch-ups for accuracy to SMITE 2 models, and better art practices. [h2]Environment Overhaul for Style and Fantasy[/h2] We have adjusted core engine settings to remove "Default Unreal Engine" visuals, leading to sharper, crisper visuals. The adjustments include: [list] [*] Adjusted environments, character models, and lighting to add more vibrant colors and stylized visuals. [*] New lighting, engine settings, colors [*] Many new assets, and individual asset reworks [*] Reworked the Conquest floor game wide to better fit SMITE style and color goals, and improve readability, especially in Gold Fury and Fire Giant areas [*] Chaos side jungle now has a more unique and complete art style [/list] [h2]Game-Wide Performance Updates[/h2] The team has spent dedicated time working to improve game performance across several parts of the game. We have put significant efforts in order to improve FPS and Connectivity. As well, Players should notice significant improved performance compared to Alpha Weekends, and larger impacts on their performance from changing Video Settings [h2]K Screen / Ability Screen Added[/h2] The famous K Screen (Also known as the Ability Screen) has finally made its way into SMITE 2! It makes its first appearance with a variety of new quality of life features. [list] [*] Short description updates [*] Level up amounts and scalings shown [*] you can now use shortcuts to level up skills from the new screen (On PC, Control + the skill button; on Console D-Pad Up + the skill button) [*] Changing cast mode per ability is now done in the Settings screen, and not on the “K Screen” [/list] [h2]HUD Art / Layout Adjustments[/h2] We have reorganized the HUD to be more user-friendly, and for better clarity. This includes: [list] [*] Relocated allied god view for better clarity [*] Adjusted HUD element art for more appealing contrast with the gameplay art [*] Added new slots for Starter Items, Adjusted Active Item ability placements, and more! [/list] [h2]20+ Popular SMITE 1 Items Added to SMITE 2[/h2] We have ported the top 20 most used / popular items from SMITE 1 into SMITE 2! To name a few, we have: [list] [*] Gauntlet of Thebes [*] Book of Thoth [*] Heartseeker [*] The Crusher [/list] [h2]Minion Knockback, AI, Grouping Matched to SMITE 1[/h2] We have done a major pass on minion behavior to ensure that minions are acting / reacting more like they did in SMITE 1. We have made changes to hit reactions, knockback, being pushed out of their squad, etc. [i]All minions went to a mandatory "Minion Bootcamp" and should be much better trained. [/i] [h2]Itemization System Changes and UI Updates[/h2] We have changed the way that building items works, and updated many of the UI elements related to this process. Some examples are: [list] [*] Short Description Mode in Store UI [*] Wards and Consumable slots and function like SMITE 1 [*] Starter items return [*] Active item system changes and better HUD support [*] Revised Component Building [/list] [h2]Revised God Damage Typing and Scaling Systems[/h2] We have also revised God Damage Types & the Scaling Systems related to this. At a glance, that involves the following changes: [list] [*] All gods will only deal one Damage Type [*] All gods can still buy all items [*] Gods will be split into three groups: 100% Strength Scaling, 100% Intelligence scaling, or Hybrid (scaling off both Strength and Intelligence) [*] Tank now have unique protection scalings on their abilities [*] Magical/Physical Penetration is removed. Replaced with “Penetration” so all gods are more easily able to access the stat combos they need. [/list] [h2]Reworked Existing God Mechanics[/h2] We have reworked many existing God's mechanics to address "Feels Issues" and functionality inconsistencies with SMITE 1. [h2]Reworked Existing God Visual FX[/h2] We have reworked many existing God's visual FX for better clarity, performance, and impact. We have also added a LOD system that throttles the FX emitters based on visual quality settings. Finally, we also took our first major pass of bounding box configuration to reduce CPU usage calculating dynamic bounds on Niagara FX emitters. [h2]Reworked Existing God Audio SFX[/h2] We also reworked many existing God's SFX for improved clarity, performance, impact, and to bring familiar sounds from SMITE 1 back. [h2]And so much more![/h2] This is only a portion of the changes made for Closed Alpha 1, but these were directly inspired by the feedback we got from the Community. As we continue forward with SMITE 2, we are hoping that we can continue working together with the people that love SMITE as much as us, to make the best version of SMITE 2 ever. So once again; thank you all for participating, for sharing your feedback and opinions, and welcome to 24/7 SMITE 2!