[b]Hi everyone! [/b] Thank you all for the support during the launch of Sky Oceans: Wings for Hire! Since launching the game last week, we have gathered community feedback and built a large patch for PC players including bug fixes, updates, and general balancing. [b]You can find an extensive list of fixes added to the game in patch 0.9.160b below: [/b] [list] [*] Updated the camera during the ‘Blossom Battle’ meetup. [*] Updated Zenith’s beaviour tree to make it more aggressive. [*] Fixed an issue where blacktooth portraits did not display correctly. [*] Updated ‘Purgatory Mines’ to add a health kit before the boss fight. [*] Updated the scout and transport behaviour trees to adjust healing support and self preservation trees to avoid excessive healing. [*] Updated Zenith’s ‘Analysis Tree’ to avoid him from repeatedly helaing allies. [*] Fixed the player position on the map when it was over the ‘Forgotten Outpost’. [*] Updated Zenith’s ‘Unique’ to visualize Airship damage. [*] Updated the Nexus 1 puzzles to fix issues were random enemies would spawn and fix the laser grid speed. [*] Updated the ‘Purgatory Mines’ yarnscript to update BGM calls. [*] Updated the ‘Wlk_Esmeralda’ to adjust the player camera. [*] Updated the ‘Input’ config for ‘Standard Navigation’ to increase the mouse camera rotation speed. [*] Updated the exploration scenes to revert the camera’s FOV settings to prefab values. [*] Fixed an issue where the resting pilot did not finish resting after finishing its required combat. [*] Fixed an issue where Doc’s panel did not update when first opened. [*] Added ‘Chicken Prefab’ to roaming. [*] Added the ‘Not Dead Yet’ function to revive an ally reactively. [*] Fixed the item restore plus effect instance id value because it was generating a breaker. [*] Added tasks amount to quest save data. [*] Fixed the ‘Not Dead Yet’ status effect, arts, and item that used it to apply the intended effect by design. [*] Add a UI indicator and Sfx for ‘Not Dead Yet’ status effect revival. [*] Updated the ‘Gigadrone Balance’ to fix breaker. [*] Added quest elements amount to save data. [*] Fixed an issue where default gameplay settings did not apply at the begginning of the game. [*] Updated the Gigadrone deck HP stat. [*] Fixed an error on the ‘Not Dead Yet’ activation SFX blocking build creation. [*] Updated ‘CombatConfigurations’ asset to re-balance combat psyche effects. [*] Fixed an error causing a missing airship in Aerius purge. [*] Fixed an error when healing airships on first load. [*] Fixed an error where airships started with 0 HP on ‘Stone Forest’ combat. [*] Fixed an error where players were not allowed to make Vanessa reparations. [*] Fixed status effect ‘Blessed’. [*] Fixed a breaker cuaing extreme lagging ‘Shipyard Battle’. [*] Fixed issues on the desembarking panel. [*] Added SFX feedback when players cannot enter an island. [*] Fixed an error where status effects were not applying during the first use on build. [*] Updated ‘Stone Forest’ to address flow issues reported on Steam. [*] Updated ‘Hunting Areas’ Content. [*] Fixed localisation issues with Skill Points abbreviations. [*] Updated the Credits Video to fix Stephen’s role. [*] Fixed key rebinding issues. [*] Fixed localisation issues in the Spanish version. [*] Fixed the ‘9 Lives’ status effect. [*] Fixed the missing character portraits. [*] Fixed multiple grammar issues. [*] Fixed balancing issues during the Sven battle. [*] Fixed Sven’s Unique Art. [*] Fixed visual issues with the ‘Undead Bomber’. [*] Fixed visual issues with Sven’s Unique Art. [*] Fixed visual issues with Gigadrone’s Unique Art. [*] Fixed a culling error in ‘Training Grounds’. [*] Fixed ‘Antimater Cannon’ visual issues. [*] Fixed ‘Airship EMP Cannon’ ability issues. [*] Fixed visual issues with ‘Airship Support System’ art. [*] Fixed visual issues with ‘Fire Controlman’ art. [*] Updated the ‘Exploration Navigation Tutorial’ to show Glenn’s Threat Scanner first. [*] Updated the ‘Training Grounds’ to remove ghost task indicators. [*] Fixed an issue causing Glenn to render as a plain model in some versions of his home. [*] Fixed an issue preventing the airjet landing cutscene to play at ‘Blossom Graveyard’. [*] Updated the ‘Auto Save Config’ to ensure that all versions of the ‘Nexus Dungeons’ and ‘Blossom Battle’ allows players to restart the level, instead of going back further. [*] Fixed an issue preventing Side Quests concerning creature hunting from getting completed. [*] Fixed an issue with exploration UI displaying during combat when unpausing the game. [*] Fixed an issue with combat confirmation binding. [/list] Octecto & PQube Teams