Changelog 07/08
Author: ElectronDust,
published 3 months ago,
Mostly bugfixes and some balancing:
[*] Fixed bug where, after the player drags and drops a train, the train might not stop at the first station even though it should
[*] Made end-game a bit easier (scores in the 10k range should once again be a bit easier to reach)
[*] $10 more start money
[*] Changed Increase Capacity upgrade price from $20 to $10
[*] Made ultra-late game slightly easier
[*] Changed game behavior to only zoom out if there is more space to place Stations after zooming out (basically no more meaningless zoom-out in level 1)
[*] Changed game behavior to only un-pause game after using spawn-type-switching upgrade if the game was un-paused before (keep paused state)
Thanks for your feedback. Please keep letting us know about things you think should be changed/adjusted (either through the in-game feedback form or the Steam forum).