As excited as we are for all of the civ balance changes and new units introduced in yesterday's Civ 6 patch, there's one new feature that's scratched a particular itch. We can now pet the dog in Civilization 6.
'Which dog?!' I hear you cry - an early game unit known as the scout has a canine companion that travels with him as he explores the map. Scouts are pretty weak in combat situations, but they've got high movement and sight range values. This makes them useful for exploring the map and discovering other Civ 6 civilisations and places to settle.
The April patch has now introduced a new 'Pet the Dog' button on the Scout's unit ability bar, as illustrated by this video on Reddit. If you click it, a new animation will trigger where the human turns and pets his faithful doggo. But wait, it gets better! Or worse, depending on which side of the battle lines you sit - it turns out you're not allowed to pet the cat.
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