Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Leader Pass* continues with the Great Commanders Pack**. Each Leader Pass release contains brand new leaders decked out with inventive abilities, each designed to tease out clever new playstyles and challenge veteran CIV players in surprising ways. You’ll also see a few familiar leaders, reinvented to represent them at a different stage on their journey through history. Forget the old ways and put your safe strategies to bed—the Civilization VI Leader Pass will forever change the way you rule. [b]The Great Commanders includes:[/b] [list] [*] Ieyasu Tokugawa [*] Nader Shah [*] Suleiman the Magnificent [/list] [b]Ieyasu Tokugawa [/b]was a brilliant military and peacetime strategist, the decisive winner of Japan’s chaotic Sengoku period, and the architect of the subsequent Edo period. [i]Unique Leader Ability: Bakuhan[/i][list] [*] Players with [i]Rise and Fall[/i] or [i]Gathering Storm[/i] expansions: International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination. Cities within 6 tiles of Japan's capital are 100% loyal and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District. [*] Players without [i]Rise and Fall[/i] or [i]Gathering Storm[/i] expansions: International Trade Routes receive -25% Yield and Tourism, but Domestic Trade Routes provide +1 Culture, +1 Science, and +2 Gold for every Specialty District at the Destination. Cities within 6 tiles of Japan's capital receive +4 Amenities and after researching Flight receive +1 Tourism for every District. [/list] [b]Nader Shah***[/b] emerged in the 18th century to re-establish Persia (as it is called in Greek, the locals always called their state Iran) in Central Asia. His rise was brutal but decisive, carving independence out for Iran away from Ottoman domination. [i]Unique Leader Ability: Sword of Persia[/i] [list] [*] +5 Combat Strength against full Health Units. [*] Cities not founded by Nader Shah receive +2 Faith and +3 Gold on Domestic Trade Routes. [/list] [b]Suleiman the Magnificent****[/b], as magnificent as ever, but with new abilities and agendas to allow for a unique approach to role-playing the legendary Sultan of the Ottoman Empire. [i]Unique Leader Ability: The Magnificent[/i] [list] [*] +15% Science and Culture when in a Golden Age or Heroic Age.  [*] +4 Combat Strength when not in a Golden Age or Heroic Age against Civs who are also not in a Golden Age or Heroic Age. [/list] [i]*Base game required to access Civilization VI: Leader Pass content. Some prior DLC required to play some content included in the Leader Pass.[/i] [i]**Base game required to access Civilization VI: Leader Pass Great Commanders content. ***Requires Persia & Macedon Scenario Pack to play. ****Requires Gathering Storm expansion to play.[/i] LEARN MORE about the Civilization VI: Leader Pass HERE: [url=][/url] Join the official Civilization Newsletter to stay up-to-date on Civ News!: [url=][/url]