
January 28, 2021 The Civ 6 Vietnam and Kublai Khan pack is out now on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

We've also since learned details regarding how the new Vietnam civilisation will work, as well Kublai Khan's leader abilities.

Original Story: We're now approaching the end of the Civilization VI New Frontier Pass run of micro-expansions, and details regarding the fifth pack have just dropped. Releasing next week, the premier 4X game's new pack will be adding to the roster of Civ 6 civilisations with Vietnam, and existing civilisations China and Mongolia will be able to make use of a new leader, Kublai Khan.

In addition, this pack will also introduce a new game mode that focuses on economic power and living out your secret fantasies about being a business mogul with a silly moustache and lots of money. The 'Monopolies and Corporations' mode will, among other things, let you build up industries around specific luxury resources. Before now, only the Catherine de Medici alternate persona was able to get any kind of bonus from developing more than one tile of the same luxury resource.

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