Civilization VI Patch Notes [2/13/18]
Author: 2kschug,
published 6 years ago,
A new update is available for [url=]Sid Meier’s Civilization VI[/url] today. This update will automatically install when starting the Steam client; if it doesn’t install automatically, please restart Steam. To our modding community, the below patch may require you to update your mods.
For the best gameplay experience, we recommend disabling mods until they have been updated by the mod creators to be compatible with this latest patch. Loading an old save or configuration that was created using mods will re-enable those mods.
Firaxis Games and 2K are committed to making [u]Civilization VI[/u] the best experience possible and will continue to support the title. If you have any feedback on this update or just the game in general, please let us know in the Steam forums or comment below.
[b][u]Civilization VI Update [/u][/b]
[list][*]Fixed an issue where the user could not access the builder that is awarded when the Eagle Warrior kills an enemy unit in a standard ruleset game.[/*][*]Fixed America's Founding Fathers ability to function when progressing through a Standard Rules match.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where a trader could lose functionality resulting in placeholder/debug string being displayed when war is declared through an emergency with a civ the user has trade routes to.[/*][*]Fixed a crash that could happen when starting a new game under certain conditions.[/*][*]Fixed an issue where the user could crash after attempting to join a Full game in the Multiplayer lobby.[/*][/list]
[b][u]“Rise and Fall” Expansion Update[/u][/b]
[list][*]Fixed the Letters of Marque Dark Policy to double the Yields from plundering a trade route when viewed during gameplay.[/*][/list]