[img]https://media.giphy.com/media/l44Qw2lPQLcOvyef6/source.gif[/img] John Curtin was the 14th Prime Minister of Australia, serving from 1941 to 1945. He held office while the country was under direct threat of Japanese attack during [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II]World War II[/url]. He proved more than capable for the job through his landmark legislations, which greater unified the many states of Australia and assisted in its reconstruction following the war.   Curtin, leader of the [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Labor_Party]Labor Party[/url], sadly passed away while in office on July 5, 1945. He left behind a legacy of progressive social reform and civic responsibility that ensured he will forever be remembered as one of Australia’s most influential citizens. [img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/civilizationvi_digger_concept.jpg[/img] [h1]Unique Unit: The Digger[/h1] Nicknamed “[url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digger_(soldier)]Diggers[/url],” Australian troops served the Commonwealth with honor and distinction in both World War I and II, on multiple continents, and often at considerable sacrifice. Their slouch hat pinned up on one side became a distinctive part of their uniform. [img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/civilizationvi_outback_station.jpg[/img] [h1]Unique Improvement: The Outback Station[/h1] Australian cattle ranches are called Outback Stations and are synonymous with life in the Australian Outback. The largest, [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Creek_Station]Anna Creek Station[/url], is 6,000,000 acres (24,000 km squared; 9,400 sq mi) which makes it slightly larger than Israel and seven times larger than the biggest ranch in the US – King Ranch, in Texas. Many Stations still serve their original purpose as cattle ranches, while others have been converted into Outback experiences for tourists keen to sample the country life. https://youtu.be/11HVt8f0X-I SUBSCRIBE ➜ http://2kgam.es/CivilizationYT We've also announced details on the next update, coming soon. You can read about it here: http://steamcommunity.com/games/289070/announcements/detail/576861888092920827 Follow the conversation on social media by using the hashtag #OneMoreTurn, and be sure to follow the Civilization franchise on social media to keep up to date with the latest news and information on Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. [url=http://youtube.com/civilization][img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/yt_icon_small.png[/img][/url]   [url=http://twitter.com/civgame][img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/twitter_icon_small.png[/img][/url]   [url=http://facebook.com/civ][img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/fb_icon_small.png[/img][/url]  [url=http://instagram.com/civgame][img]https://cdn.2kgames.com/civilization.com/insta_icon_small.png[/img][/url]