The Civilization series has never reached Paradox-levels of DLC's, but even Civilization VI now has enough variety and options for people to consider. We're now at two major expansions (which was all its predecessor Civ 5 got) and the New Frontier Pass will be releasing six smaller DLCs between May 2020 and May 2021.
Time will ultimately tell if we get anything beyond that or even another 'big' expansion, but in the meantime here's everything you need to know about Civ 6's current DLC library, including all of the smaller DLCs that add many new civs and standalone scenarios.
The Best Civilization 6 DLC
- Rise and Fall Expansion
- Gathering Storm Expansion
- ...
So what do you actually get for your money? We've broken it all down for you below.
Vikings Scenario Pack - $4.99
What's in it?
- A 100-turn scenario set at the height of the Viking Age, allowing you to play as Denmark, Norway, or Sweden on a map that spans from Newfoundland to Constantinople.
- Three new natural wonders from around the North Sea: Eyjafjallajökull, Lysefjord, and the Giant's Causeway.
- ...
Is it worth it?
Vikings is the only piece of DLC so far that doesn't include a new civilization, but it also contains one of the best scenarios. At five bucks, I think you'll get your money's worth even if you only play through it once. The map is huge, there are many paths to victory, and each of the three viking kings you can play as offer the potential for a different experience. The new city-states are nice if you happen to run into them when you're pursuing a certain victory type. Monasteries from Armagh are one of the most powerful improvements in Civ 6 if you're aiming for a religious victory.
The Best Civilisations in Civilization 6
Review: Civilization VI: Gathering Storm
Civilization 6: Gathering Storm Expansion Coming February