Great news Civilization fans! To coincide with today's release of the Leader Pass Great Commanders Pack we're releasing a new update for the PC and Mac versions of Civilization VI. Thank you all for your continued feedback on the game! This update automatically installs through Steam; if you’re having trouble, please restart your Steam client. DECEMBER 15, 2022 UPDATE NOTES: [list] [*] Addressed a number of reported crash and stability issues [*] AI will no longer bias towards science to the detriment of all other yields, which was occasionally causing instances of AI bankruptcy, disbanding units, etc. for some players [*] Addressed an issue reported by some players the correct music was sometimes blocked from playing during Leader Pass leader scenes [*] Laurier's "Last Best West" ability now correctly gives a bonus of +2 Production instead of +1 Production for Snow Mines and Tundra Hills [*] Corrected an issue that some players reported where the "Culture Industry" policy card that was causing the production of specialty districts appear to take 999+ turns to complete in the Dramatic Ages game mode [*] Changed size of Saladin (Sultan) icon image to match those of other leaders [*] Made minor text tweaks and applied polish to previously released Leader Pass Great Negotiators Pack [/list] For more information on Great Commanders, Great Negotiators, and other content packs included in the Civilization VI Leader Pass, head on over to [url=][/url].