Civilization VI - Babylon Pack Available Now
Author: Hinkle2K,
published 4 years ago,
It’s finally time to see if you can lead Babylon to victory! The Babylon Pack is available now, as part of the Civilization VI - New Frontier Pass or as an individual $4.99 purchase.
Today’s release of the Babylon Pack is the fourth in a planned series of premium updates for Civilization VI that we’re calling the New Frontier Pass. If you purchase the New Frontier Pass, you’ll instantly gain access to the exclusive Teddy Roosevelt and Catherine De Medici Persona Packs.
Here are the full update notes:
[h3][b]Babylon Pack[/b][/h3]
[h3][New Features][/h3]
Civilization: Babylon
Unique Ability – Enuma Anu Enlil
[list][*]-50% Science per turn, but Eurekas provide all of the Science for technologies instead of a percentage.[/*][/list]
Unique Unit - Sabum Kibittum
[list][*]Babylonian unique Ancient era melee unit. +17 Combat against Heavy and Light Cavalry promotion class units. This unit has 3 movement and sight.[/*][/list]
Unique Infrastructure - Palgum
[list][*]Replaces the Watermill. Unlocked with Irrigation. +1 Housing and +2 Production. Freshwater tiles receive +1 Food. City must be adjacent to a River.
Leader: Hammurabi
Ability – Ninu Ilu Sirum
[list][*] [Base Game] When each specialty district is constructed for the first time, receive the lowest production cost building that can currently be constructed in that district. Receive an Envoy when any other district is constructed for the first time.
[list][*] [Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm] When each specialty district type except the Government Plaza is constructed for the first time, receive the lowest Production cost building that can currently be constructed in that district. Receive an Envoy when any other district is constructed for the first time.
Agenda – Cradle of Civilization
[list][*] Tries to build every different district type
[list][*] Like Civilizations who build every type of district.
[list][*] Dislikes Civilizations who don't build all districts available and who build mostly one type of district.
Heroes and Legends Game Mode
Mighty heroes from across history can join your civilization to make their mark on the world. Claim these legendary characters and send them into battle under your flag or let them lead your people to new heights of prosperity and innovation. Interweave myth into your history to tell your story and make a Civilization to last through the ages.
Heroes Gameplay
[list][*]Discover Heroes from exploration, City State influence, or directly with a city project
[list][*] Claim Discovered Heroes by devoting Monuments to them in your cities
[list][*]Race to get the best Heroes – each Hero is unique and can be claimed just once in the world!
[list][*] Heroes have awesome new unique powers, but also a limited Lifespan: each Hero remains in play for a fixed number of turns before naturally expiring
[list][*] Departed Heroes can be recalled with Faith once per Era in the city that originally claimed them
[list][*] [Rise and Fall] All Heroes add 1 Loyalty per turn to any city within 2 tiles
[list][*][Rise and Fall] Earn Era Score when you claim, lose, and recall a Hero
Heroes Breakdown
[list][*]Agile: Ignores Movement penalties in Woods and Rainforest terrain.
[list][*] Anansi’s Tricks – Use when located on a Bonus or Luxury Resource. Anansi consumes the resource and generates 60 Science and 50 Culture. Costs 1 Charge and ends turn.
[list][*] Arthur’s Accolade: Target an adjacent land military unit you control. Arthur transforms the unit into a Questing Knight: a unique Heavy Cavalry unit with increased Combat Strength and 12 Lifespan. Costs 1 Charge, 1 Movement. After the Questing Knight’s Lifespan expires, the unit disappears (i.e. the original unit does not return).
[list][*] Rugged: Ignores Movement penalties in Hills terrain.
[list][*] Beowulf’s Challenge: Target an adjacent enemy unit with Combat Strength less than Beowulf's. Beowulf immediately destroys the target. Costs 1 Charge, 1 Movement.
[list][*] Rugged: Ignores Movement penalties in Hills terrain.
[list][*] Hercules’ Labor: Use when located on a friendly District under construction. Hercules immediately completes construction of the District. Costs 2 Charges and ends turn.
[list][*] Hercules' Rage: Use when located on an enemy District. Hercules destroys all buildings present and pillages the District. Costs 1 Charge and ends turn.
[list][*] Inspiring: +10 Combat Strength to all units within 2 tiles.
[list][*] Himiko’s Charm: Target any adjacent City-State. Himiko immediately places 1 free Envoy in the City-State. If you are already the Suzerain there, Himiko also earns 50 Faith. Costs 1 Charge and ends turn.
[list][*] Himiko’s Rule: Use when within the territory of a City State you are Suzerain of. Himiko immediately levies its military at no cost. Costs 1 Charge.
[list][*] Rugged: Ignores Movement penalties in Hills terrain.
[list][*] Hippolyta’s Favor: Hippolyta automatically heals 20 HP each turn.
[list][*] Hippolyta’s Command: Target any adjacent friendly unit that has moved or attacked this turn. Hippolyta immediately restores the unit's moves and attacks. Useable once per turn.
Hunahpu & Xbalanque
[list][*] Agile: Ignores Movement penalties in Woods and Rainforest terrain
[list][*] The Twins’ Resurrection: Any ordinary land unit killed by Hunahpu & Xbalanque is resurrected under your control with full HP and movement.
[list][*] Agile: Ignores Movement penalties in Woods and Rainforest terrain.
[list][*] Maui’s Inventions: Use when located on an unowned, empty plot. Maui creates a random Bonus or Luxury Resource on the plot. Costs 1 Charge and ends turn.
[list][*] Mulan’s Devotion: Mulan gains 1 Combat Strength every turn.
[list][*] Mulan’s Defiance: Mulan fully fortifies automatically at the end of every turn.
[list][*] Swift: Ignores all terrain Movement penalties.
[list][*] Oya’s Storm: Damage all adjacent enemies and heal all adjacent owned units by 40. Costs 1 Charge and ends turn.
[list][*] Navigator: Can enter Ocean tiles.
[list][*] Sinbad’s Journeys: Sinbad earn 500 Gold whenever he discovers a Continent or Natural Wonder.
[list][*] Sinbad’s Fortunes: Target any adjacent enemy naval unit or Barbarian Camp. The target is either cleared or damaged by 50%, and Sinbad immediately earns 300 Gold. Costs 1 Charge.
Sun Wukong
[list][*] Swift: Ignores all terrain Movement penalties.
[list][*] Sun Wukong’s Disguise: Sun Wukong is hidden unless adjacent to an enemy unit.
[list][*] Sun Wukong’s Immortality: Sun Wukong has significantly increased Lifespan.
Gilgamesh will have his Unique Ability, Legacy of Enkidu, tweaked:
[list][*] With Heroes and Legends disabled: When at war with a common foe, they and their allies share pillage rewards and share combat experience gains if within 5 tiles. Their Alliances gain Alliance Points for being at war with a common foe.
[list][*] With Heroes and Legends enabled: 25% Production increase when claiming Heroes, and Heroes have 20% longer Lifespans.
Great People
Great Merchants
[list][*] Zhou Daguan: Activate in a City-State to gain 3 Envoys there.
[list][*] Ibn Fadlan: +1 Trade Route. Trade Routes to City-States gain +2 Faith.
[list][*] Stamford Raffles:
- [Base Game] Activate in a City-State to absorb it into your empire.
- [Rise and Fall or Gathering Storm] Activate in a City-State to absorb it into your empire. Grants +10 Loyalty per turn in the city.
Great Artists (Provide new Great Works)
[list][*] Kamal ud-Din Behzad
[list][*] Hasegawa Tohaku
[list][*] Wassily Kadinsky
Great Musicians (Provide new Great Works)
[list][*] Dimitrie Cantemir
[list][*] Scott Joplin
Great Writers (Provide new Great Works)
[list][*] Beatrix Potter
[list][*] Valmiki
[list][*] Gabriela Mistral
[list][*] Rumi
Great Scientists
[list][*] Zhang Heng: Triggers Eureka for Celestial Navigation, Mathematics, and Engineering. If these Eurekas are already triggered, instead completes the techs.
[list][*] Ibn Khaldun: Chosen Campus gains 2 Housing and 1 Amenity. Increases non-Food yield benefits of Happiness in your empire by 40%.
[list][*] Margaret Mead: Grants 1000 Science and Culture (on Standard speed).
Great Generals
[list][*] Dandara: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Industrial and Modern era land units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Create Warrior Monk with 1 promotion.
[list][*] Trưng Trắc: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Classical and Medieval era land units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Permanently reduces your empire’s War Weariness by 25%.
[list][*] Tupac Amaru II: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Modern and Atomic era land units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Grants a Musketman in each of the target city’s indefensible and undefended districts.
Great Admirals
[list][*] Matthew Perry: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Modern and Atomic era navel units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Grants enough Envoys to become Suzerain at selected City-State. This removes all other Envoys.
[list][*] Himerios: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Medieval and Renaissance era naval units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Grants 1 promotion level and +25% combat experience to a military naval unit.
[list][*] Hanno the Navigator: +5 Combat Strength and +1 Movement to Classical and Medieval era naval units within 2 tiles. Retire effect: Create a naval melee unit with +2 Movement.
Great Engineers
[list][*] Imhotep: Grants 175 production towards wonder construction, doubled if the wonder is from the Ancient or Classical Era.
[list][*] Shah Jahan: Grants Production towards wonder construction, capped at half of your current treasury. Then reduces your Gold by twice the amount of purchased Production.
[list][*] Kenzo Tange: Grants Tourism in each of this city’s Districts equal to its adjacency bonus (halved for Gold).
[list][*] Type: Cultural
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: Gain Culture equal to 10% of the construction cost when finishing buildings.
[list][*] Type: Industrial
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: Cities receive +1 Production for every improved resource type. After researching Industrialization, it becomes +2 Production.
[list][*] Type: Militaristic
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: Receive Great General points when a land unit defeats a civilization or City-State’s unit and receive Great Admiral points when a naval unit defeats a civilization or City-State’s unit equal to 25% of the opposing unit's strength (Standard Speed).
[list][*] Type: Religious
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: International and domestic Trade Routes receive +1 Faith for every follower in this city, of your founded or majority religion.
[list][*] Type: Scientific
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: City-State and their Suzerain can build the Mahavihara improvement.
[list][*] Mahavihara: +2 Science and +1 Housing. +1 Faith for every adjacent Holy Site and +1 Science for every adjacent Campus district. After researching Scientific Theory, receive an additional +1 Science for every adjacent Campus. When a player constructs their first Mahavirhara receive a random technology. Must be built on flat terrain not adjacent to another Mahavihara.
[list][*] Type: Trade
[list][*] Suzerain Bonus: City-State and their Suzerain can build the Trading Dome improvement.
[list][*] Trading Dome: +2 Gold. +1 Gold for every adjacent Luxury resource. Your ongoing international Trade Routes grant +1 Gold per Trading Dome at the origin. Cannot be built next to another Trading Dome.
[h3]Free Game Update[/h3]
General Updates
[list][*] Replace the old Babylon City-State with the Anshan City-State
[list][*] Fixed an issue where Democracy and Theocracy bonuses were not affecting districts.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where making a new alliance would remove all foreign spies, as opposed to just the spies from the new ally. A new notification for this event has been added.
[list][*] The maximum number of Governors a player can have has been increased to accommodate additional Governors that can be obtained from Civ unique bonuses and the Secret Societies game mode.
[list][*] Fixed an issue that would occur when the player had Policy slots open but could not fill them.
Ethiopia Pack
[list][*] [Rise and Fall] Fixed an issue where the Ley Line bonus in Secret Societies was applying more than it should to Great People earned.
[list][*] Updated Ley Line adjacency bonus descriptions in the Civilopedia during Secret Society gameplay.
[list][*] Added Ley Lines to WorldBuilder maps.
Byzantium and Gaul Pack
[list][*] Giant Death Robot now receives benefits from Byzantium’s Taxis ability
[list][*] Fixed an issue where Gaul’s unique unit, the Gaesatae, was playing the Spearman death animation when the Sword unit was getting the kill.
[list][*] Fixed Era Score meter in Dramatic Ages to work properly with non-zero bases.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the Venice City-State was not starting in the correct location for the TSL Europe map.
[list][*] Ambiorix will no longer appear with the “Standing Army” Agenda.
Pirates scenario
[list][*] Infamy points were incorrectly labeled when viewing the HUD Ribbon.
[list][*] Fixed an issue in the Pirates scenario where the trader boats would change to modern boats after a certain amount of turns.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the Dowsing Rod would always be the last Relic to be discovered.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the Infamous Pirate Jack Rackham was not appearing.
[list][*] Scouts will now try to avoid storms when auto-exploring.
[list][*] Updated the Free City AI so it will no longer choose to purchase Builders when surrounded by enemy military units.
[list][*] Placed a bigger emphasis on raiding for AI in Pirates scenario.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the AI would sometimes raze its only city.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the icons for Lavra, Street Carnival, Cothon, Suguba, Walled Quarter, Maize, and Honey were displaying incorrectly
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the user is unable to refuse a demand and trade from another leader.
[list][*] The player names for unmet civilizations will no longer be shown during multiplayer.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where the scroll bar in the Create Game menu would become offset.
[list][*] The Religion Screen now guarantees beliefs to be in the order Worship, then Founder, then Enhancer.
[list][*] Fixed text overlaps in Pirates scenario.
[list][*] Fixed an issue where Casus Belli types were not listed when the user requested a Joint War with another player while in the Make Deal menu.
[list][*] Various text updates
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