
January 28, 2021 The Civ 6 Vietnam and Kublai Khan pack is out now on Steam and the Epic Games Store.

Civilization VI's latest New Frontier Pass pack, the Vietnam and Kublai pack, is due out on Thursday and we've just been given details on how new Civ 6 leader Kublai Khan will play. The grandson of Ghengis Khan is being introduced as a new leader option for two existing civilizations - China and Mongolia - and he offers an economic playstyle that will favour both a scientific and a domination victory in the iconic 4X game.

Kublai Khan's special ability is called 'Gerege', and it provides one extra economic policy slot for any and every government you run. It also grants a random eureka and inspiration when you establish a trading post in another civilization's city for the first time.

Depending on which civilisation you decide to lead, this ability will lend itself to quite different strategies. The Chinese civ's ability will provide an extra 10% of the science and culture costs for researching techs or civics for every eureka and inspiration. Since Kublai Khan's ability provides more of both of these, your science and culture game will be strong.

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