Today we're excited to share that we've introduced all-new monthly challenges to the Steam version of Civilization VI. For a limited time, each of these challenges will afford you an opportunity to test your skills as a specific leader in a unique scenario. The first time you successfully complete each challenge, you'll earn yourself a new in-game Hall of Fame Badge.  To play the current challenge, go to the main menu in-game and click on "Age of Abundance - Challenge of the Month." The first of these challenges, The Age of Abundance, is already live. We'll update this page with details on upcoming events as they become available. [h3]CURRENT EVENT[/h3] [b]EVENT 1: THE AGE OF ABUNDANCE[/b] The Age of Abundance is upon us! From now until December 12, test your leadership skills in the first of our new series of in-game events by achieving a Culture Victory as the Greek politician and general, Pericles. You start with two cities and 1000 gold, close to valuable resources, and on the exact same map as other Civilization VI players around the world. There are no barbarians to interfere with your plans, so the fate of Greece's cultural legacy is entirely in your hands. Good luck! Join the official Civilization Newsletter to stay up-to-date on Civ News!: [url=][/url]