
Want to know more about Civ 6 game speed, the various map types, and difficulty settings? The latest game in Sid Meier's acclaimed 4X series, Civilization 6 has grown into a blockbuster hit since release. The game builds on mechanics you'll be familiar with from previous iterations - yes, the goal is still to spread your influence and/or giant death robots across the map to achieve victory, but Civ 6 has introduced additional mechanics to consider, like district adjacency bonuses, a civics tree, and different government types.

When you boot up the game and prepare to embark upon a journey of ruthless expansion, you'll be met with a series of options - this is where you can customise the challenge you'll take on. There are all types of settings to tinker with, and while the default settings are a great place to start, you can significantly alter your gameplay experience with a couple of tweaks. Given the extensive time commitment of your average Civ game, you'll want to pay careful attention to what kind of operation you're signing yourself up for.

So, whether you're looking for a 1v1 showdown across a gigantic ocean (some people really love boats, and that's okay) or would rather cram a bunch of big egos onto a single island and watch the carnage unfold, here's your handy guide to all of Civ 6's game settings.

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