
Civilization 6's next Frontier Pass DLC pack launches this week with the new Byzantium and Gaul civs. After previewing Byzantium's Basil II leader a few days ago, Firaxis has lifted the veil on Gaul's leader, Ambiorix, who historically led the Eburone tribe of Gallia Belgica against Caesar's occupation in 54 BCE.

Gaul's unique ability is Hallstatt Culture, which makes mines provide an adjacency bonus for all districts, a culture bonus, and culture bomb unowned territory. The downside is that specialty districts can no longer be built next to your city centre, and they can't get adjacency bonuses from other districts. Ambiorix's King of the Eburones ability grants you bonus culture based on the unit cost of each non-civilian you train, and gives melee, anti-cavalry, and ranged units a combat strength bonus for every fellow combat unit that's adjacent.

The Gaesatae replaces the warrior as Gaul's unique unit - more expensive, but it gets a combat strength bonus against stronger units and district defenses. The unique Oppidum district is cheaper and available earlier than the industrial zone it replaces, has its own ranged attack, gets extra adjacency bonuses from quarries and strategic resources, and gets you instant access to the apprenticeship technology when you construct it.

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Civilization 6 gets Byzantium and Gaul in its Frontier Pass next week
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