Ahoy, sailors! We are pleased to announce the release of the next [b]Ships At Sea[/b] update, which will improve and enhance your maritime adventure. Please find below the [b]changelog[/b] detailing what is included in this update. First and foremost, we would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our community for your incredible support. Please know that we strive to read all your messages across various platforms and are truly grateful for your feedback. [h2]Roadmap[/h2] For those who can´t wait to see what´s coming during the Early Access phase, we are excited to share a link to our [url=https://trello.com/b/MJqb4SWR/ships-at-sea-roadmap]roadmap[/url]. This link outlines the details of our vision for the final version of Ships At Sea, which is set for release in 2026, together with the console version. We are committed to fulfilling our plans and ensuring that Ships At Sea will be a complete and polished experience for all our players. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44144563/42380bda25f9ed1d15c0f7c40314d4c7e6fdf3ff.jpg[/img] [h2]GPU-related crashes[/h2] In order to better understand and resolve these crashes, we kindly ask for your assistance in investigating this matter by selecting [b]Play SAS (with GPU Crash Debug)[/b] if you are experiencing frequent crashes on computers that meet or exceed the minimum requirements for running Ships At Sea. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44144563/b5a8842d11260a39bd93191db98553c372ca1ca0.png[/img] [h2]Net Fishing[/h2] Previously, the net fishing feature was temporarily disabled to address some issues. After making thorough improvements, [b]net fishing is now available again![/b] However, please note that this mechanic is not in its final state, as stated in our roadmap, it will continue to be improved. We can't wait for you to try it out and share your feedback. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44144563/adec8de31b90a9d5510cb2f56273bcfab11b5f8c.png[/img] [h2]Sell Inventory[/h2] Additionally, this patch introduces the [b]option to sell items[/b] from your inventory, providing more flexibility. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44144563/c3bf29195195d801271bb78fb09ede78a4d206f4.png[/img] [h2]Swimming[/h2] This patch also adds the exciting new [b]ability to swim![/b] Gather three of your friends and make a splash—don't forget to take screenshots of your epic pool party adventures in Ships at Sea. To get out of the water, simply enter your boats or ladders again and continue your maritime journey. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExOTdqYjY5cTZsN2JscGs2d2E2c3RibTg5MDhubWQ5ZnlubHU4dmVicSZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/jPYtpfKwcppFx7TqKm/giphy-downsized-large.gif[/img] [h2]Savegame[/h2] Savegame is still being improved, and more content will be added. Cargo missions are a work in progress and will be added soon. Please note that if you load a saved game as the host, you will need to visit the shipyard first to spawn your boat. This issue will be addressed soon. [h2]Changelog[/h2] [list] [*] Added extra work light on Tier 2 fishing boat [*] Added option to remove all route markers on map [*] Added the ability to sell inventory and gear items in the tool shop [*] Added serialization for the longline buckets, placed on the setting area, boat name, character outfit, fuel and smolt tank stats to the savegame [*] Added shore waves [*] Added warning when clicking on delete savegame [*] Added autopilot keybinding and ability to set map, logbook and inventory keybinding [*] Adjustment of smolt tank position on Tier 1 and Tier 2 cargo boats should now allow more space for additional cargo [*] Adjustments to cargo spawn areas on Værøy, should now be able to reach all cargo with crane [*] Adjusted collisions on landscape around Værøy [*] Adjusted speed of rotation of the Tier 1 crane [*] Adjusted wake on Tier 2 Fishing Boat and Tier 1 Service Boat [*] Allowed Tier 2 boats to dock at small piers in smaller ports [*] Enabled net fishing [*] Enabled marker at delivery point in Værøy [*] Fixed a rare crash that could occur when adding waypoints to the map [*] Fixed emissive control on fish sonar not working as it should [*] Fixed issue with boat teleporting onto fish farm when loading a savegame while docked at fish farm [*] Fixed issue where seamarkers would not trigger a mission when broken [*] Fixed NPC boats floating around [*] Fixed issue with towing not working on Tier 2 Service Boat [*] Fixed issue with horn playing for host and all clients when used [*] Fixed typo when pulling boat in using the moorings [*] Fixed typo in help [*] Improved hauling longline, should make it easier to hook fish [*] Medium cargo shows destination when looking at it [*] Notify players when they are disconnected from a server [*] Players will now automatically start swimming if they fall into the ocean and will be returned to their active boat or the nearest harbor after a short period of time. They can also interact with ladders to return to land or board the boat. [*] Reduced food consumption in fish farms from 0.015 pr. kg fish to 0.003 pr. kg fish [*] Several minor improvements and optimizations [/list] Stay tuned for more updates and happy sailing! - Team Misc Games