[h2][b]Added[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Settings menu [*] Quality of Life (QoL) improvements [*] Bag menu [/list] [h2][b]Changes[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Boss 3 is now easier [*] Gym is now balanced [*] Quests have been nerfed [/list] [h2][b]Fixed[/b][/h2] [list] [*] Numerous bug fixes [*] Resolved game crashes during Boss 3 encounters and ghost damage issues [*] Additional minor bug fixes [/list] [h2][b]Special Thanks To[/b][/h2] [b]u/KDBA[/b] – Ship [b]u/completelypositive[/b] – Implemented feature: Escape key closes the top UI element first [b]u/JunkExplorers[/b] – Help with grammar fixes and UI for the bag and quest [b]Mewzz[/b] – Implemented feature: settings and exit game button