[h2]SGS Battle for Shanghai[/h2] The urban battle that probably marks the actual beginning of WW2 in Asia. The fourth game of the SGS Battle Series is available, allowing you to fight the struggle to gain control of the largest port city of China, in Summer and Fall of 1937. After the epic battles for Stalingrad, Madrid and Hué, we are again in Asia for a titanic fight. Take command of the Chinese New Revolutionary Army units attacking the enemy in the famed city to attract world’s attention on the conflict, or play the Japanese forces that have to defend their initial holdings and then capture the whole area. SGS Battle Series is an evolution and adaptation of the renown SGS engine to operational or grand tactical combats. Please also check our Dev blog here [url=https://strategygamestudio.com/dev-blog/]https://strategygamestudio.com/dev-blog/[/url] for more news about this title and our other games. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2595230/SGS_Battle_For_Shanghai/