[b]ATTENTION ALL SERVONAUTS[/b] We’ve just launched an update for the [b]live demo[/b]! Let’s look at some of the bigger, more exciting changes first - we’ll get to the small stuff later. [list] [*] [b]UNLOCKABLE HATS![/b] There’s one for every level - now you’ll really want to go for a high score. [*] [b]Character select[/b]! Many of you wanted to play as your favourite ‘Naut - now you can. And… who knows, maybe some brand new Servonauts are out there in the galaxy, waiting to join the team? [*] [b]Big changes to pipe behaviour[/b] to make gameplay smoother and more satisfying - pipes, are longer, stretchier, and no longer need to connect to each other end-to-end. [*] [b]Brand new level![/b] We’ve pulled “V Formation” from the demo for now and replaced it with a new level called “Double Split”. This new one should better fit the difficulty progression through the demo. [*] [b]Quota mode![/b] This new gamemode removes the time limit and challenges you to fill a set number of cars as quickly as you can. We’re calling the old gamemode “Shift mode”, and it’ll still feature in the demo. [*] Big changes to the very first level to help new players ease into the game. [*] Save and load system to track level unlocks, cosmetic unlocks, equipped hats. [/list] We hope you’re as excited as us for all this new demo content. To wrap things up, we’ll leave you with some sneak peeks of stuff we’ve been working on (note that not all of this is included in the demo!) followed by the rest of this update’s patch notes: [table] [tr] [th][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/bb87b2bde8ee46dc151aaf4e5d9e881283c2d575.png[/img][/th] [th][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/f48508e9a8d1c4e78f44989978f664a56a5f7bda.png[/img][/th] [/tr] [tr] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/218f0a7d1e86414dc56f9ec2ee497edd2d901a03.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/61e02a8e58a19df970d4356716c290cadc09598b.png[/img][/td] [/tr] [tr] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/e38a5060554b2e1af1a4ed438f457281ee88b779.png[/img][/td] [td][img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//44398544/df5061d97b3a91c6954bb78b9460d7015256ac59.png[/img][/td] [/tr] [/table] Demo Changelog: [list] [*] Lobby rework, part of a larger suite of changes that are still in the pipeline. [list][*] This includes the icon mats to highlight interactables. [*] In addition, the level select UI is partway through an overhaul of its own.[/list][*] Changes to size of Servonauts and all the interactable gameplay objects. [*] The mixer joint now freely spins - this helps your pipes from getting tied in knots through the magic of *physics* [*] Adjustments to fuel colours: [list][*] Yellow fuel is more distinct [*] Orange fuel to be more different to base pipe colour[/list][*] Respawn VFX update [*] Improved character indicator icons [*] Employee of the day now awarded at level end! How does it work? Who can say. [*] Improvements to selection logic [*] Pause screen changes colour to match which player paused [*] Colour of vehicles now matches the colour fuel they want [*] Level select is now way quicker to navigate [*] Removed need to talk to Pilot Duck to start next level - don't worry, we have plans to make him interactable again [*] Improvements to various Servonaut death VFX - more updates coming here too [*] Character icons updated [*] Button prompts throughout lobby and intro [*] Vehicles respawn when you blow them up [*] Level title also specifies Quota Mode or Shift Mode [*] Removed crystals from Spaceway 66 for *lore reasons* [*] Changes to camera behaviour - should be smoother and keep important elements in focus [*] Improvements to performance and stability [*] Tweaks to levels: [list][*] Tweaked number of pipes in each level [*] Tweaked score thresholds across levels [*] Moved Servonaut spawn points across levels [*] Adjusted coin spawn locations [*] Some levels start with pipes pre-connected [*] Changes to size and position of parking spaces in some levels (can't have the fuel requests blocking gameplay!)[/list][/list] And here’s some hints at stuff that’s been done behind the scenes - you won’t see this in the demo: [list] [*] Lots of new levels! [*] Lots of refinement of Worlds 3 & 4 [*] Unlock + progression system for level progression (disabled for the demo) [*] New buttons in World 3 [*] Progress towards localisation [/list]