Hi everyone, Update #4 is now live on Steam! Along with fixing some major bugs, we tried to cover most of your requests (the rest is coming in future updates), but we also started working on the overall balance. In this update we focused mostly on balancing coins, keys, and chests. Next week we will rework how loops work, to make them more interesting, but that will also require the reset of high scores. But no worries, we will create Hall of Fame also, where your efforts and victories will be permanently remembered. During next 1-2 weeks, we will continue working on the overall balance and level design, and after that we are hoping to fully focus on creating new content. Thank you for feedback, we hope you will like this update! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31398110/b977e86d144ad0d76cc4e15d6b88e3571a7a6c14.gif[/img] v0.16 Major Bug fixes - Fixed tutorial ending cinematic sequence in co-op - Fixed problems in co-op when second player would get stuck in previous room - Fixed a game freeze issue when exiting the challenge room before you complete it - Fixed a game freeze issue when you restarted the game while shop was open - Fixed a game freeze issue when player would die when transitioning to new area - Fixed issues with “Rethink” machine, that would spin objects out of control Changes - Improve walking animation for player characters - Players won't get fully healed when switching characters during gameplay, but will keep the same health percentage as before - Improve when and how the player reacts to things (voice reactions) - Doors now require an Interact press to open - Rockets wont explode when hitting small props in level - Reduced the size of rocket colliders, to prevent accidental shots near wall corners - Spikes are now activated by enemies too - spikes deal 20 damage to enemy, 3 times per second - You can now disable boss cinematic sequence in setting to prevent time slow at the end of the room. Useful for speedrunning. - Added a settings that lets you control camera aim offset - Improved the feel of camera aim offset while using gamepad - Its now easier to reach mysterious stranger NCP in HUB - Sam cannot open chests while jumping over them Balance Changes - Shops now always cost 150 coins per perk - Rebalance amount of coins dropped by enemies, the amount of coins dropped depends on enemy class, eg. snake parts will give 1 coin while bigger enemies will give more - Rebalance coins given by Exotech Larva and Scorpion (it's not possible to farm it forever anymore) - Scorpion boss: created new enemy models, less ghosts, added new attacks, changed the battle around (note: this is still just a temporary boss) - Ghost enemies and laser bullets bypass shields and inflict damage directly to HP - Bomb Shield: it now creates explosion when hit, stacks with explosion perks, explosion can hit co-op player - Less keys and less chests spawned per area - Challenge chests will less likely spawn strong upgrades - Timed pickup challenge duration reduced to 6 seconds (winning it will give you an additional gold chest) - Vending machine - it's again possible to buy keys - 1 key per machine, cost is 75 coins - Number of upgrade chests per area limited to 2-4 per area - Chance for any locked chest to turn into mimic reduced from 10% to 1% - Locked health chest: - reduced chance to receive ankh / bomb shield from 25% to 15% + it doesn't depend anymore on your health - if chance to receive ankh / bomb shields fails, more HP you have, it's more likely it will spawn shields instead of health pickups Minor fixes - Dodge roll won't activate if the game is paused - Fixed visual tilemap problems in tutorial levels - Fixed auto scrolling issues when navigating UI with gamepad - Fixed issues with in-game challenge screen and gamepad - Fixed an freeze when wheel of misfortune would be destroyed when spinning - Removed slight pause when dialog would open - Fixed more issues with Buddy upgrades (coin collector still breaks, sorry) - Exotech Larva doesn't leave violet parts behind anymore - You will not lose all shields anymore when hit by explosion