Hi everyone, Update #3 is now live on Steam! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31398110/41fb18ea6a23c8d9ab839733c62ac99ea9622970.gif[/img] While we are spending most of our time on fixing bugs you reported, we also added some new content. Next we will be working on the overall game balance. Have fun and thank you for the feedback! V0.15 Major Bug fixes - Fixed a problems with various quests - “Why can’t we be friends” - npc should interact properly - Score quests - Mysterious Stranger should appear in proper locations - Weapon quest “Another Hello to Arms” - fixed bug where it wasn’t possible to receive required weapon, changed requirement from Ghostgun to Homing Harpoongun - Loop quests - it’s not possible anymore to finish loop quest by returning to Vault from Forest - Fixed a problem with huge FPS drop in main menu (still needs more confirmations) - Fixed black screen of death when restarting the game - Fixed hunter upgrade, now you will gain and helper that shoots permanently - Snakes die if they are killed :P - Fixed a problem that crashed the game when player spent all his HP in dark converter shop - Fixed a problem that would cause gravity vortex to drag hidden/disabled players Minor fixes - Fixed a problem with bull boss key, animation would stuck when opening a door - Fixed rotation of turret enemies - Fixed a problem with cursor when game was alt-tabbed when using multi-monitor setup - Fixed a problem with UI text not displaying properly in Mindmap - Fixed a problem when too much serious weapons would break weapon wheel UI - Fixed some overdraw problems with UI, now it layers elements properly Changes - Reworked enemies in sea area - Reduced all explosion damage by 50% - Rebalanced homing ability of projectiles, its now more reliable and more homing - Dodge roll now activates when pressed even if player is not moving - Bomb special ability will only explode bombs in active room - In co-op Bomb special ability won’t make bombs explode instantly when other players are close to it - Increase ammo cost for freeze guns - Added knockback lvl2 upgrade for primary weapon - Added sniper upgrade for primary weapon - Added homing lvl3 upgrade for primary weapon - Electric bombs explode slightly faster - Added a new enemy that shoots lasers - Smaller shooting enemies in Forest area deal less damage - Slightly increased initial precision for primary weapon - Improvements for camera movement in co-op - Update russian and chinese translations - Update cyrillic letter glyphs (thanks to Ar2R-devil-PiNKy)