Hi everyone, Update #1 is now live on Steam! Thank you for your awesome feedback! We created a big list of everything you mentioned, and this is just how much we managed to do since yesterday. We will keep working in upcoming days, and there are also some big things coming! [img]https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/steamcommunity/public/images/clans/31398110/5329f5d5c2c8018945058ab110698f0d117f639c.gif[/img] Bug fixes - Fix weapons appearing before they are unlocked from Vault - Spike chest won’t damage the player while it’s being spawned in the air - Fix interactions with Shopkeeper - Fix issues with Russian font - Fix Sam balding issues - Fix looping, before you would instantly go to hardest loop, there is now proper scaling after looping - Fix bug with unlocking third character, the Bomb. He can be found in Sea of Thoughts - Reduced the migranes for a Mysterious stranger, now he will actually talk to you - Fix few bugs with players ending up locked out outside of rooms (we are still not sure we got all of them) Changes - New track for Mentals Forest - Add Bull charging sound variations - Player character voice reactions play less often - Weapon Knockback upgrade reduced by 40% - Reduced amount of HP droped from Serious Scalpel and Treasure Hunting - Limit the type of upgrade you get in HP Converter Device - Boss chests are now immune to explosions - Improve Brutal Kill tutorial section, its now easier to figure what you have to do - Improved several perk descriptions