[h1]You can’t have a Serious Sam game without including the voice of Serious Sam himself - John J. Dick![/h1] John has been playing the game all while recording some badass new lines for us during the past few weeks: so we decided to ask him what he thinks about the game and how he feels about the Serious Sam indie games in general! [b]- What do you think about the game so far?[/b] It’s a blast. I die in it. A lot. But just enough to where I feel challenged to push myself forward. I love that they are bringing back the old school hippie blood mode settings as an option, too. That kind of silliness was one of the things that always made me smile about the old school Sam games. The more non-Serious side of the franchise, with things such as that, seems to be the heart and soul of Tormental. I mean, the intense action defines the series. But the tongue in cheek attitude is really ramped up here too. And that’s a good thing. [b]- What's your favorite weapon to use in the game, and why?[/b] Right now? The minigun has been treating me well. But my attitude on favorite weapons changes regularly. A lot of it depends on how the level randomly generates and what enemies I’m facing. The minigun just spits out ammo at such a rapid rate that I’m finding it a good go to weapon for a variety of situations. Also, it’s good for eating walls quickly to give you some space to dodge enemies in tight corridors. [b]- In the game, what's your favorite weapon combo to play with?[/b] Ricochet bullets. Always bet on ricochet bullets. Man, I love those things. They even have a right trigger weapon called the bouncer that spews out ricochet bullets in every direction. You only get a few of those on a pickup. But, blessed hell, are they fun! [b]- Which bossfight in the game was the most enjoyable for you?[/b] They really nailed it on the first boss fight. Werebull are the bane of my existence, so that Rodeo bossfight was perfect. Set the tone for the entire game. I still haven’t finished the game, though. And they still haven’t finished development. So I may change my mind later. Just saying that they set the bar high early on. [b]- We've heard your voice in other smaller projects such as [i]"I Hate Running Backwards", "Serious Sam's Bogus Detour", "Serious Sam Double D"[/i] and we'll also be listening to your voice in [i]"Tormental"[/i] once it comes out. How do you feel about Serious Sam being part of these smaller indie titles, and the support that Croteam gives towards these game developers?[/b] Croteam is probably the best developer in the world to work for. They never forget where they came from or how they started off as a tiny little indie studio themselves. And the support they give to other small developers is beyond what anyone could expect. I think it’s great how they lend out their core franchise so readily to take a chance on helping the next generation of talent get a leg up. Also, we get a huge variety of quirky new games to play out of it. So it’s a win / win. [b]- Do you think we'll ever see an end to Sam's fight against Mental?[/b] Yes and no. At some point, I think we will have Mental as an end boss. But Mental is more of an abstract concept at this point. It’s like asking if we will ever see an end to the darkness. Well… yeah. When morning comes. But the clock always turns. Darkness always returns. And when a game messes around with time travel and flippant lunacy as much as the Serious Sam series does, there are always going to be some loose ends to tie up regarding Mental. [b]- As a last thing, is there any message that you would like to give to the Serious Sam community?[/b] Yeah. Don’t be afraid to take chances. Nobody lies on their deathbed wishing they had taken less risks. Daredevils die more often, sure… but they die with less regrets. Go out there and do the thing. Whatever that thing is. Stop second guessing yourself. The only true failure in life is to never have tried. Also, buy Tormental. And Serious Sam Planet Badass, of course. [b]He was also kind enough to answer some less specific questions sent by the Serious Sam community. You can read those [url=]right here[/url]![/b]