Game development is a long process that involves not only technical skills like programming, 3D modeling or art, but also sacrifice. Dropping something that doesn’t quite work and replacing it with something better is a part of that process. [img][/img] And we just did that. We changed the camera view, added new rooms and reduced the number of enemies on the screen. What did we gain with that? With zoomed in camera, players now cannot see the whole room and their field of view is not as wide anymore, which means game is now played at even higher pace adding more action to the gameplay and making it more intense. We also reduced the number of enemies that can spawn at once on screen, due to limited room visibility. We also introduced new rooms but we’re not done yet. [img][/img] After changes like these it’s good to stop, take a deep breath and ask people for feedback. We organized playtesting in Croteam office and collected valuable feedback. First of all, we have to say big thank you to the guys who jumped in and helped with testing. They were all experienced game testers which was very important to get relevant feedback. They tried Tormental with mouse and keyboard, controller, in single player and co-op mode. To get the most data, we decided to show them new build of the game first, to get the general “feeling” if we’re going in the right direction with this. When they were done with the new build, we intentionally asked them to try the older version too. Then they got a form to fill which covered everything we wanted and needed to know. [img][/img] What’s interesting is that literally all of them liked the new build better which gave us much needed confirmation that we are indeed going in the right direction. We also saw some potential problems in co-op which we are already working on. We are doing our best to deliver a unique and fun gameplay experience and we are looking forward to seeing more of you when Tormental hits Steam Early Access. Don’t forget to join our Discord channel for all Tormental related questions! :)