As promised before, here is a little showcase of Netricsa's special ability - Chronosphere! The sphere slows down the movement of any objects trapped inside of it - both enemies, player and bullets. It enables some tactical options, both for offensive and defensive play: [list] [*]Slow down the ongoing bullet hell to make it easier to avoid projectiles while running through the battlefield. [*]Slow down enemies and run around them to shoot them in their back. [*]Activate the bomb and see the enemies trying to run away, but failing to do so before the lethal explosion. [/list] But it shines even more with super upgrades: [list] [*]Armaggeddon - Bullets charge up in the Chronosphere. Once the Chronosphere disappears, they all fly out at the same time - demolishing everything nearby. [*]White Hole - Attracts nearby enemies, enabling you even more to manipulate enemy positioning. [/list] There are many more synergies we could mention, especially with various Serious Weapons, but we will leave that out for you to discover - really soon!