[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/9bad6e012883e0c7bc7e2761400d7b3688456761.png[/img] Big thanks for all the feedback you've been sending our way! The list of updates is long, so let's take a quick look at the highlights: [b]Map [/b] This was probably the most common request. New map features—like zooming, panning, and custom markers—should help keep you on track! There are still things about the Map UI that we want to improve in the future, but we think this is a solid start. [b]Fast Travel [/b] You can now use Fast Travel between all discovered Bell Towers, both in your villages and in NPC villages. Yet another reason to gather those bells (and keep your purse full of coins)! There will be more (non-Bell related) Fast Travels spots in the future. [b]Pause [/b] The game will now pause when you open the in-game menu in single-player mode. Perfect for when you want to prepare yourself another green tea. These are just three out of dozens of improvements we have made in the past two weeks – and we don’t intend to slow down. For us, Early Access launch was just the start of a new phase in development, one that we're excited to undertake with your feedback, so please keep it coming! We're giving it our all—working on quick bug fixes and quality of life improvements, and at the same time laying the groundwork for major updates coming this year. Hope you’ll follow us along the way! Superkami and Toplitz Productions teams [h2]Patch notes (Version [/h2] [h3]FIXES [/h3] [list] [*] Fixed village icons not saved and not replicated to clients. [*] Fixed left arrow set as default for “move right” in default key bindings (you need to reset controls for the fix to take effect). [*] Fixed Fisherman’s Hut and Mining Post retroactive unlock not working for saves. You will now unlock both structures upon completing any “Talk to Abbot” quest objective (after reaching Dynasty level 7, 14 or 21) or by talking to abbot Joen at any point after reaching LVL 21. [*] Fixed ESC key acting as a confirmation button in Open Main Menu and Quit Game pop-ups. [*] Fixed custom key bindings not applied on the game start. [*] Fixed “Thank you” cutscene causing loss of focus in the Abbot dialogue. [*] Fixed some minor calculation errors in Dynasty Management. [*] Fixed NPCs rarely interact with buildings and workplaces (they will now act more naturally and do things like sweeping the floor). [*] Fixed villagers assigned to a workplace performing home routine instead of work routine after loading save. [*] Fixed NPC sliding on the ground when idle. [*] Fixed torch being rotated when held. [*] Fixed boar combat behaviour - now they will not stop to munch on grass when chasing you. [*] Fixed entrance limit check for some specific cases. [*] Fixed workplaces decreasing freshness of consumables. [*] Fixed defensive fence models. [*] Fixed the wrong sound material for composting station placement. [*] Fixed renaming village on clients not working/saving. [*] Fixed closing pop-up in Main Menu. [*] Fixed navigation after closing the tutorial and showing another widget. [*] Fixed closing tutorial screen when inventory is open. [*] Fixed furniture and containers loading previously saved inventory in that location when building a new one – no more item duplication this way. [*] Fixed missing Special Project Completed marker in a Small Bridge near Segi. [*] Fixed missing localization in the network loading screen. [*] Fixed missing Iwasaki shrine. [*] Fixed red flowers not disappearing under buildings. [*] Fixed missing dying SFX for bandits. [*] Fixed Sayuri not having a job specialisation icon (only for fresh games). [*] Fixed missing window frame in the Mining Station Special Project model. [*] Fixed player mantling on the Watchtower Special Project railing. [*] Fixed some flying rocks. [*] Fixed crow nest appearing on a bridge. [*] Fixed the inability to move items to quick slots. [*] Fixed ranged spear throwing attack dealing less damage than it should. [/list] [h3]UI [/h3] [list] [*] Added a Pause in the in-game menu for single-player games. [*] Implemented a Fast Travel – use a Bell Tower and pay a small fee to teleport. [*] Added Quick Slot Menu hint to holdable and empty hands – just a friendly reminder that you can bring up quick slots with a middle mouse button. [*] Implemented major Map improvements like zooming, panning, and custom markers. [*] Added "Creating server..." dialogue after clicking "Create Server". [*] Increased other player & player village marker visibility distance on the compass for easier navigation. [*] Added new icons: building and recipe menu categories, village structures, exterior segments, and more. [*] Improved icons: watering bucket, rot, elevation (in compass). [*] Simplified Season Change tutorial. [*] Added inventory shortcuts: [/list] [olist] [*] Shift + LMB” – Transfers the stack to the external container or sells as much of the stack as possible to a trader inventory. [*] Ctrl + LMB – Splits the stack in half if there are empty slots in the inventory. [*] Alt + LMB – Splits the stack to create a new stack with a single item. [/olist] [h3]SETUP/BALANCE [/h3] [list] [*] Localization update for KO, PL, PT, RU, UKR [*] Reworked villager needs -- rescaled how needs progress and lowered the needs for larger populations. [*] Reworked how Well and water production works - it is much easier now to meet the water needs of your villagers. [*] Added medium trees that behave like small trees but provide more resources. [*] Made bandits and boars more dangerous by not slowing down after taking some hits – boars are now faster, so watch out. [*] Workplace production recipe costs are lowered for many items. [*] Adjusted the price for some Special Projects. [*] Increased the max stack of some items. [*] Improved the Water Storage and Smithy mandatory furniture setup. [*] Made it easier to build Beggar's Huts 2 & 3, Water Storage, Composting Station, Food Storage, Temporary Tawara containers, Special Project Workshop. [*] Made hay insulation part of the roof stage for the Water Storage building so that the furniture cannot be accessed before finishing the roof. [*] Reduced the price of the straw cloak – sorry, no more money farming this way. [*] Added interaction with a standalone Japanese red pine tree stump – now you can clear the area near Segi for example. [*] Moved Guard Tower to Service Buildings [*] Added Charcoal Kiln as a standalone village structure. [/list] [h3]3D/MAP [/h3] [list] [*] Improved Empty Entrance and Ramp Entrance exterior segments – should be less confusing now and look better when the hammer is equipped. [*] Added new construction blockers on the map: Burned Mansion (coming soon), Chiime House, Enjiro, Hunting Camp, Rice Fields, Segi Impure Camp, Sukejiro Camp, and Yajiro Camp – if you have had structures in those areas, you should be able to move them away, as you will not be able to build anything new there. [*] Improved construction blockers for Taro Camp, Teimatsu Camp, Miko House, and Starting Area. [*] Added more Small Iron Deposits in the Iwasaki mine. [*] Adjusted the invisible wall in the ocean to be more precise and closer to the shore. [*] Improved lake bottom floor height. [*] Removed obsolete Beggar's Hut near the Sosogi Inari Shrine. [*] The Ryujin shrine special project now should also build stone stairs and place a gohei wand on the shrine – the stone stairs should be removed if you haven’t completed the project yet. [/list] [h3]ANIMATION/CHARACTERS [/h3] [list] [*] Improved villager and beggar behaviour. [*] Villagers can interact with more structures. [*] Added animal alerted and flight animations. [*] Adjusted the reaction transition cooldown on fox and boar. [*] Implement male bandit aggro animations. [*] Assigned a different animation to Nijo. [*] Tweaked fox movement speed. [*] Improved NPC pathfinding. [/list] [h3]TECH/TECHART [/h3] [list] [*] Some NPC optimizations. [*] Some UI texture optimizations. [*] Set network timeout to 120s. [*] Optimised net code replication to prevent disconnecting players on change of season. [/list] [h3]SFX [/h3] [list] [*] Added new boar SFXs (Roam, Search, Aggro). [*] Adjusted animal SFX radius [*] Adjusted Effort SFX for bandits and players when taking damage. [*] Improved environment SFX for forests, hot springs, birds, animals, ocean. [/list]