[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/7953799f43d654aa60808b3d80b9505c4ebee643.png[/img] Youkoso! We would like to say thank you to all participants! Also, for the very lively interest that was shown in the playtest. If you didn’t get access, you can still watch hours of footage done by playtesters on YouTube and Twitch. It was a new experience for us on this scale and we are grateful for the feedback received regarding the playtest. The collected feedback we obtained for Sengoku Dynasty is valuable as well. We are now prioritizing the QOL changes that need to be available on start and will begin implementing them soon. Still, we don’t want to make you wait for the launch too long, so some of the features that are important for you will be added at the beginning of the EA Roadmap that we will announce after launch. Although some of the playtesters were already able to play over 20 hours in the playtest build so far, we want to remind you that it was only a fraction of the map that will be available on launch, as well as around 30% of quests and other content. And we plan to add even more (much, much more) during our EA phase. We are grateful for your time and will be honored if you will join us in the very beginning of our journey at launch. We hope that we will be able to welcome you at the start of Early Access. Teams at Superkami and Toplitz Productions