[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/65e186b5c8d8757f4e1483f30a993ea9bead8a80.png[/img] Hello Sengoku Dynasty players! Thank you for your continuous support and love! We are happy to announce that Sengoku Dynasty will be released in the coming days as an Early Access version with Chinese language support! We are working together with HUYA, a Chinese live streaming platform, to host fun live streaming events. We are live streaming Sengoku Dynasty, so if you want to get a taste of what we're going to be playing, you're more than welcome to head over to their live streaming channel and watch! [i] 楚河: https://www.huya.com/chuhe 贱圣: https://www.huya.com/sgjsheng 董小飒: https://www.huya.com/dongxiaosa[/i] Enjoy the streams and we are looking forward to welcoming you to Sengoku Dynasty.