Q&A - Farming Basics Update
Author: SwordsOfTheSouth,
published 1 year ago,
Thank you for your interest and questions about our farming basics update! There are too many questions to answer them all, but here are answers to the ones that were most popular. You will be able to see everything for yourself very soon when the update goes on the public beta branch!
[h3]Can we freely set up and rotate the fields?[/h3]
You can construct fields of various sizes and position them in any orientation.
[h3]Can we also grow medicinal herbs in addition to food?[/h3]
Yes, nearly all plants on the map, including herbs, can be cultivated. We plan to expand the list of crops in the future.
[h3]Does the weather impact crop yield? Are plants sown based on their appropriate season?[/h3]
Weather influences crop growth; for instance, rain waters the fields. Certain plants have specific planting seasons, while others can be sown in multiple seasons.
[h3]Can fields only be established within our village?[/h3]
Yes. If space is limited, you have the option to establish more villages.
[h3]How many farmers can operate a single field?[/h3]
Currently, only you can work in a field. With the upcoming update, we'll integrate dynasty management, allowing you to assign workers to fields.
[h3]Is field cultivation available from the start, or is it unlocked via a quest?[/h3]
As of now, you need to complete the new Aratani quest to unlock field recipes. We are currently working on progression systems that will affect how and when you unlock stuff. This is a top priority and will significantly evolve gameplay in upcoming updates.
[h3]Will soil have different quality?[/h3]
No, currently soil doesn’t affect your fields.
[h3]Can we implement terraced farming or aquaponic systems?[/h3]
Definitely. We have paddy fields and constructing them on slopes results in terraced designs.
[h3]Do we purchase seeds from a vendor, or can we produce seeds from wild plants?[/h3]
Both options are available. Seed bags, essential for planting, can be crafted using leather and seeds/plants. Alternatively, purchasing them is a quick way to commence your farming.
[h3]If we get animal husbandry in agriculture, which animals will be involved?[/h3]
No animals for now, but we plan to add some in the future.
[h3]Will the water wheel and attached irrigated rice fields be a special project we can build and use as a working farm and mill for a village we build nearby along the river there?[/h3]
Yes, that is a future special project location related to farming. Expect it one of the upcoming updates.
[h3]Will there be random events in agriculture? E.g., bugs, pests, failed harvests, rotten harvests etc.?[/h3]
We plan to add more events and randomized content to the game in general, and it will also affect farming.
[h3]Will it also be possible to set up a tree nursery to harvest wood and other resources?[/h3]
Yes, we plan to add features like growing your own trees, bushes, and other plants not included in farming to the game in the future.
[h3]How much will players have to contend with wildlife eating crops or newly sprouted plants? If so, what means are available to limit or prevent this crop loss?[/h3]
No such hazards yet. Random events and real time obstacles are going to be added in the future.
[hr] [/hr]
The Farming Update is now live on Public Stage
[h2]What is Public Staging?[/h2]
It is the modus operandi of working with a second version of the game, on which new patches and updates can be applied and tested before they are integrated into the regular live version of the game. This means that one or more updates can first be tested before they are made available to all players in Early Access.
[h3]How to join the public staging?[/h3]
Some of you probably have not done this before, so we have a small guide:
You must have Sengoku Dynasty in your library – obviously.
The procedure
[*] Open your game library.
[*] Right click on Sengoku Dynasty.
[*] Open properties.
[*] Select the tab "BETAS".*
[*] Enter this password into the field below the drop-down menu: 6RmK07O5em39LFLj1e4OvZGlrQ7OqI
[*] Click on "CHECK CODE".
[*] Use the drop-down menu and select “releasecandidate“. This is the public stage version.
[*] Click on "Close".
[*] Steam should now download this version of the game.
This is merely a precautionary measure in the very unlikely event that anything goes wrong!
The saves can be found under this path:
Copy the entire folder into a zip file or store a copy somewhere else on your hard drive.
*Steam labels all those builds as "betas” even if they are technically not betas, don’t let it confuse you!
[h2] changelog[/h2]
[h3]SYSTEMS [/h3]
[*] Personal farming.
[*] Resource regrowth.
[*] Emoting.
[h3]3D/MAP [/h3]
[*] New village: Aratani - located near the river in the south portion of the map.
[*] New quest: Of Rice and Men.
[*] Added construction stages to the Large Bridge and Watchtower Special Projects.
[*] Reworked grass path to better blend with terrain
[h3]TECH [/h3]
[*] Landscape optimization: less RAM usage, faster loading
[*] Grass optimization: GPU boost
[*] UI optimization: reduced memory usage
[*] Particle optimization: reduced memory usage
[*] Water component optimization: reduced memory usage, faster loading, slight GPU boost
[*] Disabled physics for invisible NPCs: better CPU performance
[*] Plant mesh reduction: reduced memory usage, slightly better CPU performance
[*] Audio optimization: reduced memory usage, slightly better CPU performance
[*] Switched the default shadow quality settings from Epic to High (only for fresh installs)
[h3]UI [/h3]
[*] Added production amount maximization.
[*] Added the current worker job assignment to a list in the workplace popup.
[*] Added demolishing UI indicator.
[*] Added in-game announcement pop-up.
[*] Hidden villagers and workplaces specialization and level icons.
[*] Added the current worker job assignment to a list in the workplace popup.
[*] Changed the Help Villagers quest name to better communicate what you need to do.
[*] Changed Tutorial tips settings to say, "Show tutorials" and be toggled on by default.
[*] The neutral Bell tower marker will not disappear from the compass when nearby.
[*] Loading screen visual improvements.
[*] Recipe changes.
[*] Reworked Fall Damage - now it should allow you to jump around more.
[*] Villagers’ Needs rebalance.
[*] Removed certain items from the needs like furs and logs which are now not consumed by villagers.
[*] Reduced hammer stamina cost significantly.
[*] Doubled dynasty level reward for the Small Bridge and stone stairs Special project near Ryujin shrine.
[*] Weapons tracing improved – it now should be easier to hit enemies with certain weapons, especially in third person. We have also eliminated a bug where a spear would damage the enemy behind the player.
[*] New tools added – Wooden Shovel (Tier 1), and Wooden Hoe (Tier 1), to be crafted at the Woodworking Table. Your existing hoes may be broken.
[h3]FIXES [/h3]
[*] Fixed "ChiimeMarker" text displayed over Chiime during Ryuijin Wrath quest.
[*] Fixed beggar encounters.
[*] Fixed weather bug after Nijo dialogue and cutscene.
[*] Fixed Iron Ore Processing Station using a debug name as a structure name on the workplace list.
[*] Fixed in-game settings menu position.
[*] Fixed Cooked Gobo recipe icon.
[*] Fixed the ability to use neutral village infrastructure when holding a hammer.
[*] Fixed snow setting on the holdable leather bag.
[*] Fixed Sika Deer Antlers.
[*] Fixed Campfire with cooking Pot ghost placement.