[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/34f9bfa975bb31966196b6ba4070db7beb6b2d9f.png[/img] Youkoso! We are busy working on the substantial Kintsugi update. As a reminder: Kintsugi, as part of Wabi-Sabi, an aesthetic concept, refers to the art of reassembling broken vessels and decorating the cracks with gold, silver, or platinum. We have already introduced two features: the new animals, and the upcoming performance improvements. Of course, that won't be all, and we can't reveal a number of exciting things right now. But you are welcome to ask questions again, for example, are the new animals just as insidious as the boars and has the game world become a slightly more dangerous place? Let your imagination run wild and let us know what you hope to see in the Kintsugi update (or in a later update). The closing date for questions is 1 February 2024 at 23:59.