Hotfix to
Author: SwordsOfTheSouth,
published 4 months ago,
We have a small hotfix that will bring you these additions, changes and fixes:
[h3]Added [/h3]
[*] Improvements in Perks UI:
[*] if a perk is blocked by another perk, this information is highlighted in red
[*] number of perks unlocks needed to unlock new tier of perks is now displayed dynamically, changing as the player progresses up the tree
[h3]Fixed [/h3]
[*] Fixed camera resetting to TPP from FPP when opening the ESC menu or taking damage (it still resets to TPP when engaging in combat, you can turn that off in gameplay settings).
[*] Fixed wolves getting stuck sometimes.
[*] Fixed some interactions losing their key binding after key binding is customized.
[*] Fixed the blinking heart icon for clients when the hosts health was low.
[*] Fixed duplicate special projects appearing in the workplace list.
[*] Fixed occasional input loss after respawning.
[*] Fixed navigation issues in production slots.
[*] Fixed NPCs falling under floors in some locations after player uses fast travel.
[*] Fixed perks tooltips lingering for too long after switching tabs.
[h3]Changed [/h3]
[*] Switched order of some perks in warrior and craftsman trees.
[*] Changed icons to their dark versions in Special Project interaction UI.
[*] Changed AI to use fast sprint attack instead of heavy sprint attack, when chasing an archer.
[*] Removed refugee markers from Ako and Sayuri.
[*] Balance changes to paper making and sake brewing.
[*] Balance change to service jobs.
[*] Balance changes to wolves (now easier to kill).
[*] Balance change to tool effectiveness modifiers.
[*] Balance changes to spear damage.
[*] Updated outdated images in some tutorials.
[*] When joining a co-op session the client no longer sees an empty landscape.
[h3]Known Issues (Updated) [/h3]
[*] (NEW) Tools, like axe or hammer, do not deal damage
[*] You may need to reset production and pass one season for some of the changes to take effect
[*] You may need to open and close some full-screen UIs to refresh their values
[*] Consumption prediction is not precise due to not considering input items that will be distributed to workplaces, and not available for consumption
[*] Forager’s Hut buildings will not be compatible with your save – rebuild them to enjoy the new model
[*] Some players may need to reset their Controls to default to enable new combat, if playing from an older save
[*] Combat will switch camera automatically to TPP. You can override this by enabling FPP combat in the gameplay settings, but please be aware the new combat in FPP is not fully implemented yet.
[*] Sometimes, when coop players are far from each other, and one engages a bandit with a bow from a long distance, the bandits' movement may glitch.
[*] To fully test out the new combat system, please head on to the prototype bandit camp which can be found near Iwasaki, on the other side of the river to the east.