From Peasant to Legend Part 2
Author: SwordsOfTheSouth,
published 5 months ago,
Last week, we introduced our new perk-based progression system and showcased the first two paths to enhance your experience. Now, it's time to delve deeper. This week, we’re excited to reveal additional paths that will boost your combat abilities and spiritual growth. These new paths will offer unique skills and benefits, empowering you to master both the art of battle and the depths of spirituality.
[h3]Way of the Warrior[/h3]
This one focuses mainly on two aspects -- hunting and combat. You will level it up by defeating enemies and killing animals, which will make you more efficient in skinning (something you may already be familiar with). And as we introduce our new combat system, you will also get perks that unlock new fighting moves, make your weapons and knives more efficient, and make you more deadly in general.
[h3]Way of the Monk[/h3]
It’s more than a tribute to Japanese spirituality. In medieval Japan, monks were also warriors and administrators, so this path would include some jack-of-all-trades perks. One could focus on inward perfection, boosting your stats and making you more impervious to the dangers of the natural world, while another would improve your relations with traders and make exploration easier.
[h3]Additional features[/h3]
As a general principle, we wanted perks to feel meaningful, and make specific playstyles more tempting. Since it is impossible to make all perks equally powerful, we also want to balance them with two small features.
Apart from the current progression mechanism that allows you to unlock higher-tier perks only when you have unlocked a certain number of lower-tier ones, we want some perks to have other specific perks unlocked as requirements, so that you never waste a perk point on something that is not yet effective for your character.
The second improvement will make some perks upgradeable -- you will be able to invest in specific bonuses, making them better, as an alternative to dipping into other aspects and unlocking completely new perks.
As you can see one feature introduces necessary limitations while another expands the flexibility.
You can expect dozens of perks and their upgrades in each Way of Life to be gradually added to Sengoku Dynasty in the coming updates.
We hope you will be here with us for the ride!
PS: Please also have a look at our No Better Neighbourhood Contest on Discord. We are looking for beautiful villages in screenshots and/or video clips! Prizes to be won!