[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/71e639f9f57089b4f02e64aff18f748fbcd8b267.png[/img] Youkoso! You have been waiting a long time for this. But today the time has come at last. Probably the most important question in quite a while will be answered today. But before we do that, we would like to thank all participants and interested players for their keen participation in the Steam Performance Playtest. The feedback we received helps us immensely, so thank you very much for that as well! And now... [i]*Tension rises*[/i] Early Access starts in just four weeks, on [b]10 August 2023[/b] (in the afternoon/evening hours CEST). [previewyoutube=3y6YQpU_jck;full][/previewyoutube] We hope you enjoy this news! See you again very soon!