[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//41645338/2c5deb36e81bb1ce54916a421423082e5932412b.png[/img] Dear players, Since the launch in August, so many people have played the game, leaving us humbled by its popularity. Your trust - a hard thing to get nowadays for an Early Access title - makes us want to work even harder to deliver you the best game we can about Feudal Japan. After our launch, we worked hard to send out updates quickly - having many players led to an incredible amount of helpful feedback. You shared thoughts on improvements, bugs, and what you hoped for in the game's future. We did our best to address these swiftly, enjoying the immediate feedback with each change. Now, we want to take things to another level. We don’t only want to add small patches and bugfixes. We want to rework some of the fundamental systems we feel are not working well enough. We want to add entirely new systems and content you’d expect in a game of our scope and ambition. We want to create excitement between each update, and you will know that whatever is coming, will be BIG. With this, we are happy to announce that our second big update after farming, called “Kintsugi” is coming in Q1 2024. Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by glueing it together with lacquer mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum. The philosophy behind it is embracing flaws and imperfections, considering breakage as part of the object's history rather than something to disguise. More information to follow soon. However, what do you think will make it to this update? Have fantastic holidays and a great new year 2024! Superkami and Toplitz Productions teams