[img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45085710/beead1e474176b625f2cd6be8a6bf7a3969d4d77.png[/img] Dear our heroes! A new update to the realms have arrived to provide more QoL for you brave heroes! As always, we are aiming to continue updating the game to provide the best for our players and patch 1.0.6 is a reflection of that. Let's read the patch notes first. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45085710/a656a1f4910b9b4a58efa4d8c680918908151e72.jpg[/img] - Added a new option, Visual Effects Opacity Adjustments. We've been hearing how difficult it is to notice enemies' attacks with how both sides' attacks' are covering the whole screen. This new option allow players to set the opacity of player-caused effects, from normal to near transparency level. We've also added an auto-adjustment option to lower the opacity the longer a player survive so they can taste the effects in full glory early game while making it easier later without ever needing to touch the options again. A seamless experience, no pausing needed at all! - Added a new option, Damage Numbers Hiding. In the same vein of things covering the screens, damage numbers are a visual effects that sometimes make things confusing. With that, we've added an option to turn of either your damage numbers or enemy damage numbers. This should make the screen much cleaner and we believe you heroes doesn't need them to know if your enemies are getting hurt or not. Everything's 50/50, either they die or they don't from your attacks. [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45085710/67b7d28c77f594c4665b1d5e36e81651828e7cf8.jpg[/img] - Added treasure pool information. We've heard that treasures and levels are quite confusing and after much discussion, we've added a way to easily identify all the treasures currently available in the pool during a level up. It will also tell you heroes when a new treasure has entered the pool, the current level of each treasure you have at a glance, if a treasure is still locked, and the last chance to pick something up before you go over the level! [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45085710/00db21bca5f33a0d774c7e0b16fdf6340a8882d2.jpg[/img] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//45085710/0f5f4e319125e0ae1ea94341e12d30c5683b75b6.jpg[/img] - Reconfigured the save system to provide more stability to save files as well as auto backing up your saves. We've tried to fix a bug that might result in players unable to play the game, enemies not moving and saves not saving. After that bug was addressed, we looked to bugproof our systems of it just in case and have arrived at the new save system that could backup your save files. If anyone is effected by the aforementioned bug and lost their progress, feel free to e-mail us or our publisher's support site to obtain a near complete save file. We hope you continue having fun with the game! See you in the glorious halls of Valhalla, heroes!