Secret Neighbor Xmas Alpha Live
Author: Alex@tinybuild,
published 6 years ago,
Ho ho ho! The Nightmare before Christmas is upon us. Welcome to the Secret Neighbor Christmas Alpha!
[h1]Checkout the TRAILER![/h1]
[h1]How to get into the alpha[/h1]
We are sending out random batches of keys to people who sign-up at
We will be doing so during the whole duration of the Christmas Alpha
[h1]How long does it run?
The alpha will run from today December 19th until January 6th.
[h1]If I get in, how do I get access?
You will get a Steam key via e-mail. It will be for an app called "Secret Neighbor Alpha"
Now you all might be wondering, what exactly is included in this Alpha? We've done two of them so far. The first one was very limited with a few features, and then we expanded during Halloween. I won't bore you with the details, so here's everything you might expect.
[h1]The House with some procedural elements[/h1]
The house has been fitted with a Christmas theme, but also expanded and improved. The house now has some degree of procedural generation - random doors will be completely blocked off.
[h1]Falling / Knocked Out Mechanic[/h1]
Players can now get knocked out. You will get knocked out if you take fall damage, or if you take damage from other players or a bear trap.
You can slowly crawl around when doing so, and need a team mate to revive you.
[h1]The Items[/h1]
NEIGHBOR'S ARSENAL consists of a few new additions. You can equip 2 items as the Neighbor, so combine wisely. You might want to get the Mask and Beartraps to lure unsuspecting players to their demise. Or maybe you want the smoke bomb and ability to turn into a gift box. It's up to you.
Use it on other players to copy their look and nickname. This effect will vanish after transforming back into the Neighbor form.
[b]Gift wrap[/b]
Allows you to disguise yourself as a gift box. Best used for ambushes. Your gift box will have a fancy mustache on it.
Smoke grenade[/b]
Throwable item - creates a smokescreen which will last for 15 seconds blocking the vision of players. You will still see them fine.
A player detector, and house remote control -- two in one! Reveals positions of players and can be used to open and close gates in any part of the house.
Bear trap[/b]
Cover the whole house with them! Bear traps will effectively stop players who prefer to act alone. It takes time to set up and can be easily destroyed if exposed. But the game designer forgot to put a limit on these.
[b]Gift box[/b]
A colorful, festive box with great aerodynamic characteristics. All boxes fly further and more precise than other items.
General items. Don't underestimate their value during the match. A well placed chair blocking the door might just save your life.
Your best friend in the dark corners of the Neighbor's house. Can also be used to blind other players when aimed into their faces.
Used to block doors. You can prevent the Neighbor from getting into your room or isolate your careless victims from their teammates. Blocked doors can be knocked out, but it takes a significant amount of time.
[b]Chocolate bar[/b]
Tasty and healthy! Eat it, and it will allow you to run a lot faster for several seconds.
[b]Power Milk[/b]
It makes you stronger and allows to throw objects much further for a limited time.
[h1]When does the game come out?[/h1]
The short answer is we don't know yet. This Alpha will give us a clear idea of if we're headed in the right direction, and what features we need to focus on. Behind the scenes we have a ton of ideas, and the "pilots" for some of them are being tested this holiday season.
[h1]Make sure to follow & wishlist[/h1]
Don't forget to follow and wishlist the game on Steam, and we're excited to see everyone's feedback on the forums!