[img]https://i.imgur.com/LyibQGD.gif[/img] Hello there, Neighbors! We bring you good news today. Secret Neighbor will be launching this FALL. We are aiming for the Halloween timeframe and will confirm it after we run a SUMMER ALPHA. We also have a new E3 2019 Trailer for you. Here's your todo list [h1]Sign-up for The Alpha[/h1] Alpha sign-ups are open at http://SecretNeighbor.com - be sure to sign-up to get into the final summer alpha happening soon. [h1]Watch the E3 2019 Trailer[/h1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mgpuH-DABw [h1]Wishlist Secret Neighbor on Steam[/h1] https://store.steampowered.com/app/859570/Secret_Neighbor/