Minor Bug Fixes - v.
Author: Peli,
published 4 years ago,
[h2]Hey everyone![/h2]
First of all, we want to thank everyone for your feedback and active participation in our surveys!
And today we're bringing an update that resolves several bugs.
Current game version is
[*] Fixed an issue where player models were displayed in gold, silver, or transparent
[*] Neighbor can no longer get stuck with the Mask object in his hands after using Disguise skill
[*] Neighbor can no longer be pinged via Emotes Wheel (via "Neighbor! emote) through a wall by the kids
[*] Fixed an issue where a Neighbor would drop a kid if the master-client was leaving the game at that moment
[*] Fixed items spawning issue where objects would sometimes disappear after several matches in a row
[*] Fixed customization settings of Retro Clown skin
Catch you later!
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