[h2]Hello everyone![/h2] We know you’re waiting anxiously for news on our Hello Neighbor Showcase, so we thought we’d give you a little something (or a lotta something) to pass the time until then. We’ve got some rather big updates to share with you and I’m excited to go over them so let’s jump right in and unpack what we have for you today! [h2]All new daily quests! [/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32960256/58ec3cf23959d4f374b7150ea7d77819ea7c1a9e.jpg[/img] This has been highly requested by the community for some time now, and we are so excited to bring you the first iteration of the brand new Daily Quest system in this update! On login, you will find a new Daily Quest section in the lobby. There will be three quests available per day, with new quests available every 24 hours. You will encounter two player-oriented tasks and one Neighbor quest per 24 hour period, and Daily quests are available to complete in Quick Play matches. [h2]Limited time crossover event![/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32960256/55737bf34bb439a3d5d3155fa53c7fe742dc5184.png[/img] Starting today Secret Neighbor and Totally Reliable Delivery Service are collaborating on a special crossover event to celebrate Totally Reliable Delivery Service's upcoming launch on Steam! Today through April 1st, on login you will be able to claim your free Totally Reliable Scary Neighbor skin from the Item Shop. And starting April 1st don't forget to grab your Neighbor themed event skin in the Totally Reliable shop! But act quickly, like a package with rush shipping they won’t be here for long! [h2]Introducing Arcade Coupons + Shop revamp![/h2] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32960256/fd60bc5ad76425aeb83edf43901a7280912f44d6.jpg[/img] Arcade Coupons are a brand new form of hard currency making their debut in Secret Neighbor and will be taking the place of cash purchases. Moving forward you will be able to purchase Arcade Coupons in four different quantities and apply these towards the purchase of premium cosmetic items! Broken down, it now costs slightly less to purchase the same skins with coupons as it did previously in dollars. And with this update users will also note that the new Daily Quest system will also award Coupons for select quests as well! [u]Arcade coupons can be purchased in the following sizes:[/u] [list] [*] A Bundle of coupons: Qty 135 - Price $0.99 [*] A Pile of coupons: Qty 742 - Cost $4.99 [*] A Roll of coupons: Qty 1620 Price $9.99 [*] A Stack of coupons: Qty 3510 - Cost $19.99 [/list] [img]https://clan.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/images//32960256/3389cfa03088d90963427fc63b1deb32a6b5af5f.jpg[/img] With the introduction of this new currency also comes a redesigned shop. Another highly requested feature has been item previews. In the new Shop you can absolutely try-before-you-buy, and each item has a handy icon on the top right designating which class it can be purchased for. The shop itself has received a renovation as well with two new sections, you will find a catalogue for both seasonal and standard cosmetic items! [h2]Three new Brawl modes!!![/h2] Brand new Brawl modes will be making their way to you starting today! Brawl modes will reset weekly and be available on a rotating basis. They will also of course be available in both Custom Lobbies and Quick Play. So what can you expect from these new game modes? Check it out! [h3]Prop Hunt[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/0iMQk4L.gif[/img] Introducing Prop Hunt! One player per round will spawn as the Clown Neighbor in disguise, all other players are armed with slingshots. Bathtubs are located throughout the map, if activated by the Clown this will cut the match time by 2 minutes. [list] [*] As The Neighbor, it’s up to you to pull out all your sneakiest plays, stay hidden, and locate as many bathtubs as possible. You are outfitted with a new wheel of transformations to help you stay out of sight! [*] As the players, it is up to you to ferret out The Neighbor wherever he is hiding and keep him from activating bathtubs. If the clock reaches zero and Prop Neighbor is still in the match, Neighbor wins! [/list] [h3]Rifle TvT Match[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/vcuwe44.gif[/img] This is a Team versus Team match in which each player is outfitted with a toy rifle. Each toy rifle has infinite ammo and reloads automatically, damage-wise it is still one shot and you’re down. If you or your teammate is hit you may be revived within a limited window of time. Just watch your six and be careful that you don’t meet the same fate as the person you’re trying to save! There are several rounds in a match, and a round ends when one team completely knocks out the other. The match itself ends when the clock reaches zero, the team with the most points wins! [h3]Slingshot wars[/h3] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MeXLWdN.gif[/img] Our very first brawl mode is back with a springtime update! We’ve traded snowballs for slingshots and added a few new hidey-holes around the map. While you won’t find ammo just lying on the ground anymore there are multiple stations to refill your projectile weapons throughout the map on both sides. If enough damage occurs a player will respawn in their respective team’s base, and the round will end when either the clock hits zero or a team reaches 20 points. If the clock runs out the team with the most points will be awarded the victory! [b]New player reporting system! [/b] [list] [*] You now have the ability to send player reports in-game. [*] You may make up to five reports a day [*] You cannot report yourself [/list] [b]Balance changes[/b] [list] [*] Scary Neighbor: reduced the number of hits taken for Rage activation from 6 to 5. Increased Bear Trap duration from 12 to 15 seconds [*] Clown Neighbor: reduced slow from Smoke Bomb from 0.5 to 0.75 [*] Butcher Neighbor: reduced Meat Hook cooldown from 10 to 7 seconds [*] When playing as the Neighbor, you can now see keycard doors and their status on your radar. Whenever someone opens a keycard door it's also highlighted for the Neighbor [*] Clown Neighbor can now Camouflage into any object, as well as turn into another object while in Camouflage [*] Brave's Counter-Strike is now reset after being caught in any scenario [*] Leader's time to charge Team Work reduced from 12 minutes to 8 [/list] [b]Other general updates:[/b] [list] [*] New End User License agreement screen with Terms of Service on login. [i]Note! Terms of service must be accepted to continue to lobby.[/i] [*] Daily Quests are not available for players with an active penalty. [*] Level Editor - general performance updates [*] Snow has been removed from all maps, goodbye frosty! ☃️ [/list] If you'd prefer your updates in video format, check our the newest episode of Secret Neighborhood News for a brief review of all the new goodies in this update...and perhaps a small sneak peek at what we'll have to share with you during the Hello Neighbor Showcase! [previewyoutube=QZmXo3jpD4Y;full][/previewyoutube] And that about wraps it up! Thanks for sticking with me and stay tuned for even more news on what's coming next in the Hello Neighbor Universe, coming soon! As always if you didn't get the update automatically, please restart your Steam client. Catch you later! tinyFox, tinyBuild & the HoloGryph team Follow us on social media: [i][list] [*] [url=http://discord.gg/NeighborGames]Discord[/url] [*] [url=facebook.com/NeighborGamesHQ/]Facebook[/url] [*] [url=https://twitter.com/NeighborGamesHQ]Twitter[/url] [*] [url=https://www.instagram.com/NeighborGamesHQ/]Instagram[/url] [/list][/i]