Howdy ho, Neighbors Day 1 patch time! It's been a day since we launched, and oh boy have we been listening! Thanks for the overwhelming amounts of feedback. Today we bring lots of changes that mostly revolve around the balance of the game. The main one I noticed when playing is that new players -- when playing as the Neighbor -- wouldn't fully understand their goal, and start trying to kill off other players. Since the Neighbor player can't turn into the Neighbor, it came off as if some random player is griefing others. An all-round bad experience. So we now allow the Neighbor to take his true form in the beginning of the match, albeit with a cooldown at that stage. We've also removed 2 upgrade machines to counter balance that. We heard you loud and clear on keycards. What we did now with the Neighbor in this update is essentially buffed him, and we also added more keycards. Now the spawnrate is higher, so let's see how this impacts the balance and flow of the match. Also on the balancing side, we've nerfed the Scout. Now you get 10 nuts and 5 damage per nut. On the lobby front, we've made sure only the lobby leader can kick players. You can now see who the leader is. And in Custom Games you will now get awarded with coins. To counter act farming, the amount of coins will depend on how many players are in the match. And on the FPS front, we've added the option to uncap the FPS. Finally, you can [b]fully disable doors[/b] in Custom Games. Full changelist: [list] [*] Scout nerf. You now get 10 nuts and 5 damage per nut. [*] Fixed occlusion in several spots [*] Improved Neighbor hints [*] Neighbor now can turn into his true form at Level 1 (from the start) [*] Removed 2 of Neighbor's upgrade spots to compensate for the buff [*] Modified Neighbor's upgrade stats, modified for 4 levels instead of 5 [*] Reduced spawnrate of items in fridges [*] Added a 15 second cooldown for Neighbor transformations in the beginning of the match. [*] Added the ability to remove keycard doors in Custom Games [*] Increased spawnrate for keycards, there will be more of them in the house [*] Fixed an player model issue when items are equipped on player heads [*] Fixed an issue with the glue item (it now spills only on the floor) [*] Now you can see who is the lobby leader [*] Only the Custom Game owner can now kick players in the lobby [*] Added an option to uncap FPS, so you can go beyond 60fps [*] Players will now get awarded coins for playing custom games. The amount of awarded coins depends on how many players are in the lobby. [*] You can fully disable keycard doors in Custom Games [/list] We're working on further fixes in regards to performance. Stay tuned on that. And we're actively listening to everyone on the forums, in the reviews, our discord, and other social networks. Further updates will get beta tests from our Discord community, so make sure to join in -